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The act of taking a shit

I just trumped over there

by real_deal_steel_69 June 16, 2021


The act of taking a huge, painful, bloody shit after eating a large amount of rocks.

I need to get an anal transplant after taking a bender last night.
Oh shit. How many rocks did you eat?
IDK probably like 37

by real_deal_steel_69 June 14, 2021

18πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


When something is completely and utterly fucked.

Yo I think it's case for the Yankees tonight.
You sure about that?
Nah they are definitely losing

by real_deal_steel_69 September 11, 2020

9πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

High Tech High School

High Tech High School is a public magnet school Locted in Secaucus, NJ. It was formerly located in North Bergen, NJ, but moved due to the building being bad. All the students hated this. New building is comparable to s prison, too many rules, and limited to no outdoor time.

Most of the people in the school are white girls. The school has a YouTube page that they post weird videos to from the podcasting class. Many lazy teachers are in d-fab and d-fab students often complain about how easy it is. The only good academics are in the science majors. Freshmen often get expelled for vaping weed.

You go to high tech high school?
Yeah . They donҀ™t let us go outside.

by real_deal_steel_69 September 18, 2019

18πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Someone who has wasted their life getting so good on a video game so that playing against them isnҀ™t even fun. They are called neckbeards because they sit at their computer all day and have poor hygiene.

Aw man this dude is a tryhard neckbeard, he has 34,176,000 kills, we have 0 chance, what a loser

by real_deal_steel_69 June 16, 2021

79πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Ivanka Trump

A very lucky woman. The greatest president of all time, Donald Trump, has a crush on her. Trump has expressed desire to have sex with her on numerous occasions.

Person 1: Yo did you hear trumps tryna fuck his daughter?
Person 2: I dont blame her, Ivanka trump is hot as fuck

by real_deal_steel_69 September 10, 2020

14πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Sleepy Joe

Something Donald Trump calls his political rival Joe Biden to make his supporters think that Biden is mentally incapable of holding office due to his age and his stutter. However, if Joe is president, we will all be able to sleep soundly again.

Trump supporter: Sleepy Joe Biden has dementia
Normal person: No he doesn't, also Ronald Reagan had dementia.
Trump supporter: I - uh- no.... TRUMP 2020
Normal Person: Fucking idiot

by real_deal_steel_69 September 10, 2020

116πŸ‘ 2302πŸ‘Ž