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1. A person who discriminates others based on facial features, (e.g. A person with small eyes, Burgandoff Brothers-level chin,)
2. What some fucking 5-year old thinks "fascist" is spelled like.

Mike is an absolute facist, he won't marry Sarah because she has a hooked nose.

by reelmsysdefs February 18, 2022

4K HDR 60fps

Something that is extremely good or enjoyable, such as a good movie, TV, or video game. This can be used in almost any context. Originally a description of TV or display monitor's quality, this has slowly transformed into a word that just means "gud".

8K XDR 120fps, 16K XDR 2048fps, top notch, etc.

– Dude, his playstyle is 4K HDR 60fps!
– I know, right! Look at his kills!
– That burger was 4K HDR 60fps, yo.
– Because of that burger, your arteries are no longer 4K HDR 60fps.

by reelmsysdefs November 1, 2022


Adj. – Stands for mal-coordinated, and often used as an insult, especially to those with special needs. Political correctness is ambiguous.

Jacob: "Have you seen that retarded seabass?"
Ferdinand: "What, that Malco?"

by reelmsysdefs February 25, 2023


Used by Cub-Scout Colour-Guards where I'm from, (not really pretty universal) usually to dismiss the plebs that are ruled by the benevolent speaker of the Colour-Guards.
(Example is at end of a Scout event because before the Scout event would be too long)

Color guard, attention. Will the audience please rise?
Color guard, advance, Scout salute.
Color guard, retire the colors. (Flags)

by reelmsysdefs March 31, 2022

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