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Mack- (verb) To hit on, flirt with, or seduce a female by using verbal or sometimes physical means of persuasion.

see also: Mack Daddy

"I'm gonna go mack me up some fine ass fo sho mah nigga!"

by reyflyinfury619 April 24, 2003

3400👍 1219👎


1. (verb) To consort with multiple women.
2. (noun) One who consorts with multiple women, running a business in which the women sell their bodies for the profit of both themselves and the pimp.

1) Check it dawg, I be pimpin' da hoes.
2) Mah nigga Jacquan be da tightest pimp in da wes' side.

by reyflyinfury619 April 26, 2003

730👍 829👎