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A common preposition that can be placed before any English word to make it French.

"I am le French" or "I am le cool"

by ricemond December 5, 2003

1127👍 375👎

beached whale

An individual who is confined to their bed due to their morbid obesity; one who wallows in their own excrements.

"Whoa! look at that beached whale"

by ricemond December 6, 2003

103👍 58👎

azn pride

A song...

got rice bitch?

by ricemond December 6, 2003

139👍 122👎

oscar mayer

An amalgamation of meat products that is precariously blended together into a long, erect, cylindrically shaped product. Often marketed by prepubescent children who unwittingly sing about naming their "meat" and whose mascot is a gigantic weiner on wheels.

"my bologne has a first name"

by ricemond December 6, 2003

36👍 22👎


A brief masturbatory interlude separating a lengthy period of idle procrastination and a period of productive intellectual functioning.

"ahhhhhhh! thats better, now i can concentrate"

by ricemond December 4, 2003

136👍 39👎


This honger club in Richmond BC has been made popular by 16 year old ricers and teddyboy gangbangers who think they are pimpin. The dance floor is bumpin, where the sickest moves from para para paradise, dance dance revolution, and any of the newest arcade games can be exhibited.

"r u going to viva la~ kekeke"

by ricemond December 3, 2003

17👍 62👎


How chinese people say three.

"one! two! free!"

by ricemond December 7, 2003

93👍 88👎