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Convict is that person who commits crime and get caught. Once convicted he has to serve the sentence, the crime could be ranging from rape, murder, burglary or theft to cheating, fraud or an scam. Some people are proud to be convicts and other are ashamed. Some people become convicts due to circumsatnces and some by choice.

Chinaman: I have heard Australian were brought as convicts to this kangaroo land from UK.
Shopkeeper: True Chinaman, just like you have arrived here to work as chef and kitchenhand.
Chinaman: But there is difference in being a convict and a chef isn't it.
Shopkeeper: What difference they both have some skills and knowledge to contribute to the country isn't it!

by rocky1 August 2, 2006

140👍 51👎

sadka marna

Sadka marna is a hindi word meaning wanking also known as muth marna or soda. Masturbation

look raju ko kitna maja aa raha hai sala sadka marna seekh raha hai. Raju is enjoying whilst learning how to masturbate!

by rocky1 August 1, 2006

43👍 30👎


People from Indian Subcontinent who represent the world most diverse group of people hailing from a country of more than 1 billion people. The 5th largest economy in the world which is growing at 8% GDP per annum and have a largest pool of talented and young professionals, engineers,doctors,enterpreneurs & IT professionals.
More than 25 million Indians represents the most successful group of immigrants in Europe, America and Asia. Most of them have a talent to create wealth.They may arrive with couple of hundred dollars in the pocket but end up making millions due to their endurance & fighting spirit to make it big in the alien country.
Needless to say they come in all shapes and sizes, with different personalities, thinking and behaviour.More than 10000 year old continuous Indian civilisation has emerged as major economic and nuclear power with major technological advances.

Dude 1: Oh! these Indians, you find them everywhere you go, my Doctor is Indian so is this taxi driver.
Dude 2: My daughter Lisa go out with an Indian he is from Srilanka.
Dude1: Is Srilanka is in India.
Dude2: Who cares mate, lets eat some curry & tandoori chicken tonight, it's taste great!!

by rocky1 September 20, 2006

1045👍 735👎


People from Indian Subcontinent who represent the world most diverse group of people hailing from a country of more than 1 billion people.
The 5th largest economy in the world which is growing at 8% GDP per annum and have largest pool of talented and young professionals, engineers, doctors, enterpreneurs & managers.

More than 25 million Indians represents the most successful group of immigrants in Europe, US &
Asia. Most of them have talent to create wealth. They may arrive with couple of hundred dollars in the pocket but end up making millions due to fighting spirit to make it big in the foereign country.

Needless to say they come in all shapes and sizes, with different personalities, thinking and behaviour. More than 10000 year old continuous Indian civilisation has survived the invasion from the British who left the country bankrupt and divided 60 years ago. Since than country has emerged as major economic and nuclear power with major technological advances.

In 2006 the country has emerged as number #1 outsourcing destination for foreign multinationals with world share of 44% in IT & BPO industry and fast capturing world share of finance industry, biotech and pharma research. Inspite of western stereotype and narrow world view India is advancing and Indians are doing well.

English man: Oh! these bloody Indians, you find them everywhere you go, my Doctor is Indian so is this check out operator.
Irish man: My daughter Lisa go out with an Indian he is from Srilanka.
English man: Is Srilanka is in India.
Irish man: Who cares mate, lets eat some curry & tandoori chicken tonight, it's taste great!!

by rocky1 September 20, 2006

140👍 127👎