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adonta , is the sweetest , loving person ever every girl falls for him but only one girl he wants most of the time adontas usually go for multiple girls but people who have crushes on them never seem to stop , adonta’s are good friends to have there always there for you but sometimes the never care when you get into fights they’ll ignore u and won’t care but when u finally become friends again the bond is the strongest to break , they hide there true feeling with fake feeling and know more than they lead on , adontas are the most extraordinary person ever and most amazing you would be lucky to know a adonta

adonta is a nice sweet caring and above all epic person that likes to mess around and be funny

by rowan.... April 16, 2019


he can be bad at times , but when he wants to be he can be nice sweet and caring , he writes u long paragraphs saying how much he loves u he’s hot , and funny , when u get to know a ralph don’t mess it up or his friends wi’ll cum 4 u , but if u date him it will be epic ❤️

he’s so hot

oh ya that ralph 🥵

by rowan.... April 18, 2019

33👍 11👎


gross can describe things but it can also be a person named billy

ewww he gross

by rowan.... April 25, 2019


maya , is a amazing sweet loving person , when u get to know her it will be epic , she only lets a few people in because she doesn’t want to hurt , but when she does let u in don’t screw it up because she will never be your friend again , she will love with all her heart and she will get hurt with all her heart above all she is epic

omg she’s pretty and gorgeous she def a maya

by rowan.... April 16, 2019