Source Code


Short for "community." Com refers to communities that revolve around cyber crime and doxxing. Coms are typically comprised of teenagers from the age ranges of 14-17 who rather scam, sim swap, fraud, and engage in destructive behaviors instead of getting a real job or skill. They are primarily made up of script kiddies, and aggregate on games like roblox, minecraft, and vrchat because real life socialization is scary. About 1% of them have actual coding experience. Their fates are to either eventually get a real job or to be caught by law enforcement.

"Yo, is that a comkid?"

"Yea he spends his life on discord and doxbin 24/7."

by rrrrrrrrfkokdgijsaijghdsijjhgd August 21, 2023

68πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Anime writing

Writing in a novel, story, poem that is clearly inspired by anime. Typically used as an insult towards bad writing.

"Hey guys, I've got an idea for a story. It's about this guy who goes on a journey in another world that he gets transported to. Oh, and he has a harem of hot girls around him for support."

"Trash anime writing gtfo."

by rrrrrrrrfkokdgijsaijghdsijjhgd December 15, 2021


A Sarcastic insult that is used in various ways. It is usually used to express someone saying, being, having or doing something lame or stupid in a kind of subtle way. It is also used by salty kids or if someone happens to disagree with you and frame it with "imagine." This phrase is commonly used amongst zoomers for the most part.

"Imagine thinking dabbing is cool in 2020"

"Imagine being trash"

"Imagine being bald."

"Imagine supporting this."

by rrrrrrrrfkokdgijsaijghdsijjhgd May 2, 2020

241πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


Synonym for Russia.

"I love Ukraine! I hope they fight back the russians!'

"How can the russians fight themselves?"

by rrrrrrrrfkokdgijsaijghdsijjhgd January 2, 2023

18πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž


A heavy metal singer that JoJo fans ruined by disliking every single definition of him on this website because some Japanese writer decided to use his name in a work and JoJo fans are toxic and retarded.

°I love dio°
°kONo diO dA?"
"No...The metal singer."

by rrrrrrrrfkokdgijsaijghdsijjhgd July 5, 2021

21πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Whenever something has a tinge of goyslop to it.

I Like this tv show but it looks a little goysloppish

by rrrrrrrrfkokdgijsaijghdsijjhgd August 26, 2023


Refers to the website known as looksmax.me, a website where generally incels congregate and discuss ways to improve their looks. It is now known as looksmax.org but .me is still used to refer to the website. The website worships models such as Chico Lachowski, David Gandy, Sean O'Pry and less commonly Jordan Barret.

"Yo, you browse .me?"
"Yeah dude, I'm gonna ascend through lefort 3 and MSE!"

by rrrrrrrrfkokdgijsaijghdsijjhgd June 22, 2021

13πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž