Source Code

oh buya

Slang for the phrase oh boy. usually used to express delight at doing something good.

Yeah dawg you done won taht prize!
Oh buya yes i has!

by rush8192 December 13, 2004

19πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


The land of the wiggers.

boy, that guy sure is the lord of wiggerdom

by rush8192 November 6, 2005

36πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


A little known, but still kickass, song by Nirvana. Was on their first album, Bleach, which was recorded for around $600 dollars and went on to only sell around 35,000 copies, showing little hint that Nevermind would leave them as rock legends.


Teacher said,
Your eyes ...
Teacher said,
Preacher said

"Don't have nothing for you"

Spell the smell
Wouldn't it be fun?
Search for a church
Wouldn't it be fun?
Wet your bed
Wouldn't it be fun?
Cold in coals
Wouldn't it be fun?

by rush8192 September 25, 2005

30πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


slang for sup, commonly used on aim.

hey man, s?
nm u?
nm man.

by rush8192 December 13, 2004

18πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


What your teachers tell you to be when they really didnt think out an assignment very well. Usually causes many kids to get 0s when they come to school dressed like a half-dead fish, quoting the teachers ill thought out words...

Student: So what are we supposed to do for the project again?
Teacher: Just be, uh, "creative", rush, im sure you will think of something...

by rush8192 October 4, 2005

73πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

thumb whore

One who shamelessly either thumbs up their down definitions day after day, or thumbs down definitions of things that they dont like. The same demographic who used to request for deletion any definitions they found "offensive"....

I clicked on that authors name and jeez, what a thumb whore, he has like 20 thumbs up on the word "ashjgihjaoifsghjafngj"

by rush8192 October 23, 2005

66πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž


One of the best hard rock/sort of grunge albums ever, released by Alice In Chains in 1992. Great guitar/bass/drumwork, amazing vocals, and very intense lyrics. Most of it was inspired by Layne Staleys life ending heroin addiction, causing the album to have a verk dark feel to it. Better than 99% of what you hear on the radio these days.
Some highlights are Rain When I Die, Rooster, Junkhead, Dirt, Hate to Feel, Down in a Hole, and Would?, though all of the tracks are awsome.

"Would?" from Dirt

Into the flood again
Same old trip it was back then
So I made a big mistake
I'd rather you see it once my way

Am I wrong?
Have I run too far to get home
Have I gone?
And left you here alone
If I Would, Could You?

Hate to Feel lyrics-

Plastic man, paper face
Candy heart, what a waste
Gotta change, set a date
Eat my cake, lick my plate

Stare at me with empty eyes and
Point your words at me
Mirror on the wall will show you
What you're scared to see

by rush8192 October 7, 2005

171πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž