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When the optic nerve in your eye begins to grow and won't stop. It grows and gets longer until it connects with your rectum this gives you a crappy outlook on life.

You can tell he has optirectalitis by the way he always thinks everything sucks.

by rustyacline May 13, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Synaptic Hug

An attachment of a personal emotion to a thought! Once you attach a personal emotion to a thought you have created a synaptic relationship to that thought. Once you have embraced this thought with your own emotion, you are now intimately involved with that thought.

If the thought was fear of failure... guess what... yep you failed because of a synaptic hug!!!

Nero's synaptic hug ultimately caused him to get a knife in the back!
~Rusty Cline~

by rustyacline May 20, 2009

Synaptic Relationship

My thoughts are the threads of the tapestry of my life. I manifest my life with my thoughts. Without my thoughts I am a comatose vegetable with no manifest reality. Every thought to which I attach a personal emotion becomes a stitch in my tapestry. I can think fear without being fear, but the moment I attach my personal emotion of fear to a fearful thought, I have invited fear into my life. One lonely fearful thread may not do any harm but, if I am not careful, very soon the threads of fear work together to make a pattern in my life. Then a scene begins to emerge in my tapestry - a needle point detail that describes my fear - with some focus the entire threads become a scene of fear; by fear and for fear. No matter how I spin it, no matter how I try to artistically codify those threads, in the end it is still a scene about fear.

By attaching an emotion to my thoughts - i.e. joy, fear, hate, love or anger - the thought acquires a synaptic relationship to that emotion (a comfort zone, if you will). This emotional investment manifests a fabric of emotion to drape over my thought and clothe it with something that belongs to me (kind of like a uniform). Then my emotion is disguised as a thought, and the thought is disguised as an emotion. This emotional relationship gives my thoughts shape, texture and form in the three-dimensional world where my body resides - which is supposed to be outside of my thinking. Next a three-dimensional presence is manifested as the reality of my life, and it appears in the form of people, places and things.

My tapestry is quite like the plumage of a peacock, attracting other peacocks with a reality similar to my own. I grow the plumage - or weave the tapestry if you will (since I am mixing metaphors) - because it suits my purpose and my purpose is to live in fear, to doubt everything, not to trust anything or anyone - or NOT.

รขย€ยœMy thoughts were stitched into the fabric of my emotions
until the synaptic relationship to my feelings had dyed the tapestry
of my life the bright red color of fear.รขย€ย ~Rusty Cline~

by rustyacline May 20, 2009

6๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


when you can tell what a person ate by how their flatulence smells, they have sent you a smellogram.

He sent me a smellogram that he had beans for lunch - I think they were prepared with onions and garlic

by rustyacline May 13, 2009

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