Source Code


In most cases it's just a contraction of Alright
Originates, possibly, from Northern England

1. adverb
Used to show agreement to a statement or instruction,
or to ask if another person agrees with a statement or
Similar in use to "alright"

2. adverb
Used for additional emphasis
Like "very"

3. interjection
Used as a greeting, like hello
Also has the added benefit of asking "all right?" at the
same time

4. noun
Refers to the Audi R8. A sports car introduced by
German manufacturer Audi in 2006

Am comin wi u, r8 ?

ur r8 gay, u mate
am a r8 plebb me
shes r8 fit, i'd shag her me. Like i did ya ma

r8 lad?

look at that sexual R8, wanna stick me nob in the exhaust
oh dear

by rzhhhh July 10, 2010

77πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž



A slightly less offensive way to say "fucked", not "fucked"
in the sexual sense but more in the screwed over sense.

Shares similarities with merked / murked but is slightly
less of a coony thing to say

Fayde appears from the shadows and proceeds to rape some poor Moon Queen...

1: What the fuck just happened? Where's all me health gone?
2: You just got fuckin chebbed

We're gettin chebbed, fall back!

Don't go over there, you'll get chebbed

He's gonna get chebbed

by rzhhhh June 25, 2010

54πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Plan Q

Plan Q

The French version of a friends with benefits arrangement.
Can also be referred to as:
Plan Baise
Plan Cul

A: I heard you and Sara were a couple?
B: Nah she's just my Plan Q
A: Oh... My Plan Q is your ma
B: ....

by rzhhhh April 18, 2011

56πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Computer Dating

Computer Dating

It's like pimping but you rarely have to use the phrase "upside your head"

See also:
Online Dating

Computer Dating:

Leela: Bender, this is stupid. Why would anyone come to you for romantic help?

by rzhhhh June 21, 2011

39πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Blow stuff up

to Blow stuff up.

An activity, taken up primarily by men, as it is a very manly activity.
Usually includes the use of explosives to demolish small walls and buildings.
If one is feeling surprisingly manly, small animals can be blown up also.

Such an activity can only be made more manly through the addition of firearms, most notably an M203.
To increase the level of manliness to over 100% one should attempt to add in the use of Nuclear weaponry and/or other Thermobaric explosives.

Man: Dear, me and the boys are going out. I'll return to make sweet sweet love to you in about 13 hours.
Woman: I can't wait that long! Can't I just come with you? I can call some of my girlfriends
Man: Don't be silly woman! We're going to blow stuff up, it's too manly for you and your "girlfriends"
Woman: We can watch!
Man: You don't want to be watching when we blow up a kitten, a diamond or a cooker! hahahahahaha

Man walks off chuckling at his amusing sexist jab.

Woman *to herself*: Fucking men...

by rzhhhh August 25, 2009

84πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Palace of Love

Palace of Love

1. The Palace of Love in it's most simple form is
one's bedroom, one in which a couple perform the art of love making on a regular basis.
A requirement is that all parties included are physically satisfied (emotional satisfaction is not required) else it is not a Palace of Love, but a shag pad.
It is not required that those performing the act are a couple, or in love. It is also not required that there are only two people at any given time, though it should refrain from becoming an orgy.
It is preferable that such a room is large and has soft sheets/pillows and some dark colouring.

2. A slightly more advanced version is where the bedroom takes a luxurious form containing a four poster bed, soft sensual sheets/pillows and where everything is mainly dark sexy colours such as small amounts of black and a large amount of deep red.
Under these conditions it is now required that only a couple use this room OR multiple women please one man.
It is also required that any women inside the room during a period of usage, climax multiple times.
In such a place fucking and making love will coexist, usually within the same session.
Emotional satisfaction is not required but preferable.
Such a room is likely to belong to a rich Indian or person of South Asian / Middle Eastern decent, possibly (and preferably) a gorgeous female and even more so a Hindu, as this seems like the sort of elaborate get up that is suited to them, they did invent the Kama sutra after all...

3. In it's most advanced form, the Palace of Love is the same as in number 2. with some key additions:
It's actually a Palace, and there are probably trained tigers and maybe an elephant or two waltzing around.
Such a place would be ideal to take your Indian/Middle Eastern bride for your honeymoon or better still the entire wedding.
You and/or your bride (or groom if you are a woman reading this) do not have to be Indian/Middle Eastern, anyone with enough class (and money) can enjoy such luxury, and the love making that it comes with.
Such a place will near exclusively exist only in the Middle East/India, Dubai is your best bet.


A: I took my woman back to my shag pad where we made some extremely sweet love.
B: Whoa! you just transformed your shag pad into a Palace of Love homeslice. You'll be making babies in there soon!

A&B proceed to chuckle, brofist and walk off into the distance to do other manly things, like blow stuff up


C: My new (rich) Indian lady friend took me back to what she called her "Palace of Love" and now... wow... I seriously think my balls have no juice left
D: I am so jealous. I have nothing more to say.

D goes to find himself a beautiful (rich) Indian significant other.
C is left with his mind blown for the next week or so while his balls restock their ammunition.


E: Where are you taking the new missus for the honeymoon?
F: Over to Dubai, I hear they have a lovely Palace of Love
E: rofl, when can I expect your return?
F: Probably never

E&F brofist.
Note: for the purpose of example 3, F and his new woman are Caucasian

by rzhhhh August 25, 2009

70πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

The Scary Door

The Scary Door

The Scary Door is a show that exists within the Futurama
universe and is occasionally viewed by the characters.

It is a spoof/parody of The Twilight Zone.

There are currently 5 episodes of The Scary Door and they
appear in:
"A Head in the Polls", "I Dated A Robot", "Spanish Fry",
"Let's Twist Again" and Benders Game

You're entering the vicinity of an area adjacent to a location,
the kind of place where there might be a monster
or some kind of weird mirror.
These are just examples, it could also be something much better.
Prepare to enter: The Scary Door

You're entering a realm which is... unusual
Maybe it's magic, or contains some kind of monster?
The second one
Prepare to enter: The Scary Door

You're on a scenic route through a state recreational known as: The Human Mind.
You ask a passer by for directions,
only to find he has no face or something.
Suddenly up ahead, a door in the road
You swerve
Narrowly avoiding: The Scary Door

Imagine, if you will, a three by seven inch wooden frame
a frame that's a gateway to a world of imagination.
Wipe your mind on the welcome mat.
You're about to enter: The Scary Door.

Imagine if you will, an announcer you can barely understand.
He refers to a group *mumble*
But you're not quite sure what he said.
He appears to be eating something, or perhaps he's a little drunk
It's remotely possible that he just said something about:
The Scary Door

by rzhhhh July 16, 2010

57πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž