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milli vanilli

The mere mention of the name still calls up the same derision it did when the dance-pop duo's career came to a sudden and ignominious end: Fakers. Frauds. A blatant marketing scam. Their story has been retold countless times: after selling millions of records, Rob Pilatus and Fabrice Morvan were revealed to be models who publicly lip-synced to tracks recorded by anonymous studio vocalists. They became the first act ever stripped of a Grammy award and came to symbolize everything people disliked about dance-pop: it was so faceless that every musician involved could remain anonymous without anyone knowing the difference, so mechanical and artificial that the people who constructed it had to hire models to give it any human appeal, so pandering and superficial that people bought it just for its attachment to a pretty face.

"Girl you know it's true. Ooh Ooh I love you"

by s_N_double_O_P May 16, 2005

141πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


female, r&b, from USA

in spring of 2004, she came out of no where with "Goodies". A song produced by mega-south producer Lil' Jon. Debut album later followed in late summer of 2004.

"I am a strong believer in sex after marriage."

"I am keeping 'the goodies' in the jar until after i am married."

by s_N_double_O_P April 25, 2005

328πŸ‘ 410πŸ‘Ž


song released in 2004 by Texas Crunk R'N'B songstress Brooke Valentine.

"We bout to throw dem bows"

by s_N_double_O_P April 24, 2005

30πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

hello kitty

A very popular cartoon character from Japan

"...she's just a pussy with a bow on it" - Margaret Cho

by s_N_double_O_P April 24, 2005

504πŸ‘ 265πŸ‘Ž


it comes from the st. louis way for saying the word "everytime"

other st. louis sayings includes
"thur" - there
"hur" - her

"errtime that beat go.." - Nelly

by s_N_double_O_P May 3, 2005

47πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


a man who would only listen to an r&b song if it had a featuring rapper on it.

"i just grabbed this wax poetic CD today to listen to on the train"

by s_N_double_O_P April 25, 2005

3πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


A word most people in Canada consider believe to be a private as their home telephone number. most people take e-mail too seriously, even to just say hello, they get real paranoid of over message from (their) best friends.

person 1) Hey, you are my best friend, can I write you sometime?
person 2) no you can not.
person 1) how come? because i am too busy and i don't want you to write me and my e-mail is also private.
person 1) okay. we never talk on the phone either, do we?
person 2) nope. i just explained to you why that is. the same thing about e-mail as goes the telephone
person 1) i thought we were friends. although i would never call you up anyway.
person 2) sorry.
pesron 1) yeah, i'm sorry too (that you are lame and really paranoid). it's just e-mail. who the fuck cares!
person 1) i do. i am paranoid, just like you said.
pesron 2) damn straight. guess we are not friends anymore if we can't write each other.
person 1) yup. you are right. now get out of my face.
person 2) wow you a real jerk.
pesron 1) go away. my e-mail is none of your business. don't write me!!! e-mail is used for xxx porn only. i don't want e-mails from my friends or even you!

by s_N_double_O_P June 6, 2005

7πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž