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A severe disease that plagues many a person, causing them to stick their butts into situations in which they are not welcome. It has several side effects including but not limited to: big cheese behavior, denial, nubbiness, aggravation, bloatedness, and occasionally causes dislocation of head, when on an all calculator or stinky cheese diet.

1. Platey had buttiness but refused to believe in the disease's existence.
2. Raytea decided to use "slang" words since he thought he was a big enchilada.

by saberscars April 30, 2011

3👍 1👎

Handy Capable

A more politically correct term or the handicapped

Hey look at that retarded guy... I don't think he can walk

Handy capable is a much better term for retarded you know. people don't get offended then

by saberscars March 14, 2011

14👍 10👎