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Sticky shit

Samantha came over with slime and now it’s everywhere, I found some on the freaking ceiling

by sadbish March 2, 2019


Darren’s don’t seem to last long. If you ever meet a Darren, don’t let go of them. They always put others ahead of themselves and have a low key, great sense of humor. They will always make time to hang out with you no matter when. Darren’s are a package. Make sure you don’t let go to a Darren.

darren is so sweet. I wish I was dating him.

by sadbish March 2, 2019

199👍 50👎


Pig latin for bitch
Pronounced itch-buh

Lauren is such a itchb

by sadbish March 2, 2019

2👍 1👎


extra school shit

the teacher gave me extra homework what the hell. I already got to school for 8 hours are you kidding me?

by sadbish March 2, 2019



Do you believe that that word exists?
Did you just say “that that”
I guess English is hard man

by sadbish March 2, 2019

Social Event

The thing that makes introverts hearts pump as fast as they would if they were exercising. Gives much anxiety

“Hey can you come to a social event tomorrow?”
“Um yeah I guess”
The next day
“oh my god why did I agree to this I hate people”

by sadbish March 2, 2019

1👍 2👎


Red dots on your face that people make fun of you for even though they had the same thing at one point

“Look at Emmys acne, so gross”
“But you literally have the same amount of acne on your face.”

by sadbish March 2, 2019