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one of many business buzzwords taught usually in marketing class. It is a process, in which a group of businessmen who know little about the underlying products or the market, generate ideas that do not follow either rationality, sanity or laws of gravity. Afterwards, based on little research, they discard the seemly infeasible ideas and decide on one that is doomed to failure.

Supervisor: I need you all to come out with some new marketing ideas on our new smartphone

marketing department: after intensive brainstorming we have come out with the following solutions
A. bash our competitor
B. improve our product
C. rap music advertising with a lot of babes

Supervisor: Great! Let's go with C.

by safety inspector December 15, 2008

31👍 31👎


an immediate feeling of regret after mistakenly liking or misliking another human being on Tinder.

Dude A: she was so hot, and damn my fat finger.
Dude B: you must be having tinder-grets now.

by safety inspector January 8, 2015

3👍 1👎