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(v.) to come to or declare a position or standpoint instantly or spontaneously; to rush to; to jump to a conclusion

He immediated the conclusion that Obama is a communist because he past the Affordable Health Care Act, a somewhat socialist based bill.

Don't immediate conclusions. When you do that most of the time, you don't have enough evidence for which to found it on.

by Jenf Lopz November 2, 2014

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when a third party exploits ,two other parties in conflict and takes advantage of the situation

while bill and bob fought on facebook, the immediation of the trolls was hillarious

by Dark knight November 15, 2012

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Something mrs Bradford says....

Immediately pull out your daily reading records.

by LittleNemo2307 September 17, 2018

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Immediate Family

The term used to include brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, spouses, children, and Belle.

"My immediate family is coming to town."

by Marvin1225 February 24, 2019

immediate ejection


The act of being kicked out of an establishment right away, usually for lines you crossed the previous visit but cannot recall.

Murdoch was an immediate ejection from the Prince George Hotel.

They just recognized him right away and tossed his ass - he didn't even know what for!

by Looger October 17, 2007

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immediate fear

It's when you think you could do something, then immediately realise how much you lack confidence to do it

"I thought I could do it man, but then, I was stuck with immediate fear"

by Ariaxia_TwT๐Ÿค” March 1, 2023

immediate reaction

When you don't expect something and you quickly do the opposite to what you were doing within a second

Immediate reaction is when you put your hand in boiling water and your put your hand out within a second

by Bungar March 12, 2017