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Daniel Girth

Daniel is the pinnacle of an alpha male. With large bulging biceps and dark luscious hair, he is easily one of the most attractive men to walk the planet. Immensely intelligent, he was able to discover the truth... that there is no spoon and that we do indeed live in a simulation, controlled by AI far beyond our current technology. He lives each day questioning his own reality and walking the line between fate and free will. And if the legends are true, they say he once clapped his balls so hard, he wiped out the universe and restored it to a previous version of The Matrix...

Joe Mum: I wish Daniel Girth was my fella...

by saint_jon February 7, 2022

Joe Van Falier 2.0

Still a straight up Overwatch loving nerd, except he no longer plays his PS4 as much and has converted to PC Gaming. 77 Inches may have been a slight exaggeration, though his cyok is a solidly healthy size and his bitches are increasing. Caught him chatting up some "kinky" (Dan's words) gal, which has made me very proud; Well done my brother. Still blonde with blue eyes but so far he has not stabbed me in the back and we maintain a strong relationship. Since last time he has said 1 more swear word (Knob I think?) and his grades are still "Peng". His height has increase to approximately 5'7 or so and he is easily able to knock any fool out with his dojo moves. Wham eyebrows as always...

Kinky Gal: Joe Van Falier 2.0 is epic, I love his girth and charisma.

by saint_jon February 7, 2022


Statistically speaking he is at least 6 feet tall (with shoezies on) and he is able to back up this claim with his vast knowledge of the law and facts. But fucking, he may just be one of the coolest and funniest specimens you'll ever meet and he is able to recite several Eminem songs on the spot, including: Not Afraid, Godzilla and Rap God. Known for his catchphrases "On god", "Bet", "NO, NO, FUCK YOU!" and "I take law, ya know." A true Gigachad.

Scott Joplin: JamieN is a true homie frfr.

by saint_jon February 7, 2022

Isaac 6'4

The Motherfuckers tall. Real tall. Bigger than you probably. Bigger than me for sure. Smaller than a door frame but bigger than a regular car. Similar height to the average SUV. Dwarfs most men and women. His feet alone triple most. 'Cept Shaq I guess. But he's 7'1 so that makes sense. Hmm... He kinda bad tho.

Joe: Yeah, Isaac 6'4 - he's really tall, very un-poggers fr.

by saint_jon February 7, 2022