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The act of posting stupid new words with gay definitions on Urban Dictionary in an attempt to be clever about a common occurrence within Facebook.

Today's facebookiction word of the day is: feedcrap. Feedcrap is my hilarious new word for when there's a bunch of stuff on my feed in Facebook that I don't care about.

by sanpaco February 4, 2010

7👍 1👎


Someone who tries to fit in by pretending to like things they know nothing about. People who rely on the talent of great artists to make them look cool because they claim to like it. Most rappers who can't actually write their own music and have to scratch some classic rock song could be considered poseurs. Anyone who owns a guitar with no intention of ever really learning to play it. Anyone who has a picture of themselves playing guitar that doesnt really know how to play.

Stairway to Heaven comes on the radio...
poseur: I love Led Zeppelin!
non-poseur: *puts on Cashmir*
poseur: I love Puff Daddy!
(hint: if you don't get it you are probably a poseur)

by sanpaco January 21, 2006

35👍 14👎