Source Code


Prenuptial agreement.

Theoretically it is a contract signed by both a man and a woman before marriage, and helps with splitting the property between both parties in the event of a divorce.

A temporary and useless piece of paper that expires after a short time and can be voidable at any time by the woman, thanks to the fact that the legal system is now in her control.

Joe watched in horror as his ex-wife Suzy tore up the pre-nup document in the courtroom and the judge ordered him to hand over his house and life-savings to her.

by sarcastic May 29, 2004

154πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž

Jar Jar Binks

He was basically responsible for Emperor Sideous Palpatine's rise to power because in Episode 2, he actually GAVE Palpatine the supreme power of waging war on any planet that dared to challenge the Republic. Unfortunately, in Episode 3, we will then see Palpatine turning against and crushing the Republic with the help of evil Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader. And we can all thank Jar Jar Binks for that.

Too bad we will never get to see Jar Jar Binks die a slow, horrible, and bloody death.

by sarcastic December 5, 2003

598πŸ‘ 179πŸ‘Ž

Street Fighter

A good fighting game series which spawned that god-awful Jean Claude Van Damme movie with the same name, and a fairly good anime series.

If I find Van Damme, I will kick his ass for ruining the Street Fighter universe with his shitty movie. What the fuck was he smoking to not only act the part of Guile, but to also make Guile the main character instead of Ryu.

by sarcastic September 12, 2003

102πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

most extreme elimination challenge

One of Spike TV's best shows. This game show from Japan, poorly dubbed on purpose by sex-starved perverts, features contestants who do the craziest and most dangerous tasks in order to help their team win.

Some of the best parts of the Most Extreme Elimination Challenge show are the Log-Drop, Boulderdash, Sinkers and Floaters, Pole Riders, Domonoes, and Wall Bangers.

by sarcastic December 4, 2003

56πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

go away or I will replace you with a simple shell script

A shoddy attempt at humor crafted by the Linux community in order to answer back at those who even mildly criticize their half-finished kernel or the "newbies" who are trying to seek help in getting Linux to function properly on their machines. Makes one look stupid when said out loud in a group of people.

Newbie: Can you please help me configure my soundcard and modem? I read the manual, and followed the instructions, but both piece of hardware still refuse to work.
Linux elitist: Go away or I will replace you with a simple shell script, retard.
Newbie: All I did was ask for help, and if this is how you treat those who want to learn about Linux, then you shouldn't be surprised if people go back to using Windows or Mac OS-X.
Linux elitist: Well go back to crashing your Windoze, troll.

by sarcastic May 29, 2004

39πŸ‘ 124πŸ‘Ž

Pizza Hut

I went over there last week, and while I was ordering my food, I saw one of the drivers leave the restroom and wash his hands IN THE DISHWATER, even though the sink was right next to the bathroom door. God, that was disgusting! Makes you want to think twice, or thrice, before ordering out, because the utensils used to cut the pizzas may have also been washed in that same water.

Or maybe I was just unfortunate enough to go to a Pizza Hut restaurant which didn't have a wall that blocks the customer's view of the back of the store, but still, that worker should have known better.

by sarcastic January 27, 2004

137πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž


A media form that politicians, religious nuts, and soccer moms have tried in vain to control. Whatever is posted here is free for the taking, whether it be MP3s, porn, warez, or software.

The sex industry owns the Internet now.

by sarcastic June 23, 2003

793πŸ‘ 410πŸ‘Ž