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Takoma Park Middle school

A really great school that is accepting and just AMAZING!

I feel so accepted at Takoma Park middle school!

by saskenarutosakuraLOVE October 21, 2019

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a word in chess that means that all your possible moves are bad. Can also be used to describe personal life.

jeez, what a zugzwang!

by saskenarutosakuraLOVE October 21, 2019

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A word to describe the video and audio in a zoom meeting with poor quality

Teacher: Your homew-- -s ------due tomorrow --50 points
Student: What did she say?
Other student: I don't know, man, it was really chonky

by saskenarutosakuraLOVE September 23, 2020

Weird is cool

When you take being weird is a compliment, and you ROCK it.

person: OMG ur so WEIRD! EWWWW!
You: Oh! Thanks! (Weird is cool)

by saskenarutosakuraLOVE October 21, 2019


The sound a Minecraft villager makes. :)

You: Walks up to Minecraft villager
Minecraft villager: Hrrrrm

by saskenarutosakuraLOVE October 21, 2019

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urban DICKtionary

Someone who posts things on urban dictionary targeted at specific people, and is a dick in general.

he posts so much stuff on urban DICKtionary.

by saskenarutosakuraLOVE October 23, 2019

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An abreviation for "Just So You Know"

jsyk, im not going to the dance.

by saskenarutosakuraLOVE October 23, 2019