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a homemade shiv/shank. term mainly used in prison

Inmate 1: yo cuz phil is in the hospital. they say he's in critical condition.

Inmate 2: what happened?

Inmate 1: you didn't hear it from me but mikey rolled on his ass with the banger while he was in the shower

by scotian September 10, 2013

23👍 10👎

Triple Nod

Triple nod. Originating from Nova Scotia, a triple nod is a definative confirmation to commit an excessively brutal vicious beating. The triple nod is used as a method to give the green light without the need of verbal communication to avoid alerting the unsuspecting victim. 3 consecutive nods with eye contact confirm the mutual agreement. A triple nod is also an effective method to ensure the involved individuals aren't faking the funk and are 100 bout it bout. Half steppers typically bitch out before the third nod.

You manz, shits bout to pop the fuck off. Dog how you know? I just the men's come correct with a triple nod.

by scotian July 17, 2021

maritimers wishbone

When there are two beer left on the plastic rings of a six pack. It is pulled apart by two people, similar to a thanksgiving turkeys wishbone, who make wishes. The person with the plastic six pack rings left on the beer has their wish come true.

A Maritimer is a person who lives in the Maritimes in Canada.
Generally thought to be more hickish then those from other parts of Canada.

A frown appeared on Jerry's face, as he held up what was left of the beer.... a maritimers wishbone.

by scotian March 21, 2011

6👍 1👎