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Food of the gods and of New Yorkers. An open-faced pie made with (in order of appearance) toppings (usually mushroom or broccoli. The works does well too), cheese (not too much please! and extra melty), and tomato sauce (lots of it). It can be found at the Church of Deliciousness, a.k.a., the pizza place: a haven for grease, friends, drugs, and loud italian and hispanic chefs.
Pizza is praised among physicians for containing the four major food groups; dairy, breads, vegetables, and love

Even rich people in New York eat pizza

Deigo: What're you doing after school
Maddie: I'm going to the pizza place. Wanna come?

by scratchmaster101 February 3, 2011

56πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


1. An event in which people with similar taste in music congregate to listen to said music in live performance
2. An event in which you pay a ridiculous amount of money to do shit that you could just do in a bar or a club.

1. I'm going to see the concert at carnegie hall.
2. I'm getting dragged by my friends to this concert where I'll listen to shitty music blared through muffled speaker so it's barely audible while I'll rub up against other sweaty people who smell like scotch.

by scratchmaster101 January 27, 2011

39πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Abercrombie Zombie

Someone who shops at Abercrombie & Fitch or one of its clone stores. While this doesn't apply to all who shop there, those that style themselves in this way (preppy) tend to be empty-headed and too obsessed about their image. Known for wild generalizations about boys or rabid following of surfer-looking guys. These people (some gay or metrosexual boys are Abercrombie Zombies) are often known for harassing hapless Europeans and giggling over every blink of a moderately attractive male.

Lena, Emily, Suzie and Gretchen are all trying to get photos with that frightened-looking dutch guy. they must be Abercrombie Zombies

Brenda is wearing ripped, paint-splattered jeans that she bought for $69. She is an Abercrombie Zombie

by scratchmaster101 November 11, 2011

6πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Barney the Purple Dinosaur

That guy in the purple suit who would always hang out behind our school and take my friends and I on magical adventures. He never stuck around too long because our parents would come looking for us afterwards, but he always reminded us that he "loves us."

We're meeting Barney the Purple Dinosaur after school so he can give us more of those "special hugs and kisses."

by scratchmaster101 May 3, 2011

42πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

sexual harassment

what a lady/child yells at you when they want your money.

Guy: hey kid, you dropped your wallet.
Kid: thanks. hey, that's a nice suit. you must have a lot of money to afford that....
Guy: uh, thanks, well, don't drop that thing again (pats kid on shoulder)-
Kid: HELP! RAPE!!!

fat feminist man hater to bystanding office guy: don't look at me like that you bastard! i'm going to file a case for sexual harassment!
guy: what?
lady: tell it to the judge you son of a bitch!

by scratchmaster101 December 8, 2009

21πŸ‘ 242πŸ‘Ž


1. A very interesting person who has developed a certain skill to the point of perfection. An Upcoming Artist is someone who is developing a skill to the point of perfection. Artists can be good at anything, painting, sculpture, neurosurgery, math, often using skills from one talent to excel in another field

(many doctors are artists). Artists are very eager to learn new things in their constant pursuit of perfection, and true artists make work that is absolutely perfect. Artists can't be described as either type A or type B, or social or antisocial, since anyone who strives for perfection of anything is really an artist. Good artists study up on the work of masters (people who pioneer new technology, philosophies, or created work that can be understood through multiple viewpoints as great leaps forward).

2. A term used by lazy rats or people with inflated egos to explain why they don't have a real job/life/friends. These people often are not willing to learn or try new things, insisting that they already have all the skills they need to be great. These people make no contributions to larger society whatsoever and are a general pest. You can find some of them at art galleries making bombastic or inflated statements about the art there instead of getting outside and curing polio or teaching people.

Leonardo Da Vinci was a great artist who employed his many talents to create beautiful works of art and science.

Jill the artist has been holed up in her studio working on a mural for a children's hospital and wants to get every detail right.

Jack used his ability to copy and artistic skill to make tactile replicas of paintings and sculptures to put in museums for blind people. He is an artist.

Henry dropped out of community college and hasn't bathed or cleaned his apartment in weeks because he's an "artist" and doesn't understand why people won't buy paintings from his "Shit on a Canvas" series.

by scratchmaster101 November 18, 2011

47πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


WhenҀ“ beginning in the first three weeks of the Christmas season, tree stands begin setting up on every block selling Christmas trees. The effect from the mass amount of trees produces a forest-like quality in urban areas.

I was late to work today because I got stuck in a treegasm

by scratchmaster101 December 20, 2010

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž