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Slang for a dude, especially one that is getting out of control.

"Settle down, Scrotey!"

by scrotey13 October 10, 2012


Someone who is Basic is a total follower; a person that cannot make their own decisions or think for themselves. They are usually a townie who, in the unlikely event gets up enough courage to leave town, will no doubt be back within a year when they can’t cut it and are eaten alive. There is nothing standout about this person, as they like whatever is “cool” and mainstream at the time be it fashion, music, TV shows, etc. This dull, shell of a person participates in “group think” even as an adult. A Basic Bitch most likely wears leggings as pants, loves Starbucks, and watches shows like “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” and “Real Housewives.” A Basic Bro (who is also a Bitch) can be seen sporting the bro-uniform blue button downs, “loves sports,” listens to Country (because it’s “cool” now), and reads Maxim.

Check out that pack of Basic Bro's wearing the same blue button down. They must have gotten dressed together this morning.

by scrotey13 May 18, 2015

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