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three sailor minutes

three sailor minutes are, in normal speak, three minutes.
used by wannabe pirate foxes.


foxy: in your lingo that's three minutes...

by sdex May 11, 2020


a chonky floofy squirrel

I can barely tell the difference between a chinchilla and a pregnant squirrel

by sdex June 1, 2021


she is beauty
she is grace
she is spinel of the homeworld race
also, that karen pink diamond abandoned her
but she came back even better


pink diamond: bai spinel
the diamonds: hai spinel
pink: no u

by sdex May 10, 2020

Little Josh

Also known as The Josh King, or the ultimate Josh.
On April 24, 2021, Little Josh, a 4-year old boy, defeated hundreds of thousands of Joshes, and claimed the crown.

He is the chosen Josh, that's for sure.

Teacher: I'm surprised you're the only one with this name, Little Josh.
Little Josh: Everyone else had to change their names cause I beat them all-
Reddit: F***ing legend.

by sdex June 1, 2021


A very serious injury which makes the butt grow extra skin in the shape of a guitar and fart to the tune of despacito.
It cannot be cured.

*muffled strum strummy strum*
i have

by sdex May 10, 2020

April 24, 2021

The legendary day that the Josh Swains will battle to keep their name on.
Last year, the Facebook group of John Swains were created.
One of the John Swains announced that on this very day, they would fight, and the person who won would get to keep their name. The fight will take place in Nebraska.

Mom: Are you free on April 24, 2021?
Me: Nope. I gotta watch some dudes named Josh Swain fight.
Mom: Oh cool. Count me in.

by sdex March 21, 2021

25👍 6👎


GLaDOS's best friend

GLaDOS: Oh well. If you want my advice, you should just lie down in front of a rocket. Trust me, it'll be a lot less painful than the neurotoxin.

by sdex May 3, 2021