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Sara is such a cool friend. She is known for making out with other saras exes. She is very thicc and has the dream body. She is super hot and aint shy.

SARA: i made out with sigurd tonight!
ANOTHER SARA: thats my ex

by selmarl07 April 25, 2022


That one norvegian teacher that is just creepy and simps on the students, she is often divorced, wear glasses, wears skirt, high heels, and a cardigan.

Hey what class do we have?

Norvegian class with gro


by selmarl07 March 25, 2022


hege is a legend teacher! She is so good at everthing!

OMG! Hege is suck a good teacher

by selmarl07 November 22, 2020

3👍 1👎


Brunost is a norwegian cheese! It is brown and taste like a dream come true!

OMG! when i was in norway i tasted on brunost

by selmarl07 November 22, 2020

Ena suta

A girl that likes the year 2006.

2006 guy: Hey ena
Ena suta: Hey! are you born in 2006?
2006 guy: Yes
Ena: im going to marry you

by selmarl07 April 26, 2022


A beautiful girl with a adorable smile! If you have an ena! Take great care of her bc she has a crazy bestfriend names selma:)

WOW! Ena is so beautiful!

by selmarl07 November 22, 2020


Ena is a strawberry cheese often eaten in korea and china. Its a popular cheese and one of the most famous cheese.

Hey jhonny, wanna eat some Ena?

by selmarl07 April 12, 2021