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A college style jail cell that you'll simply want to get out of, for reasons such as:

1. Ridiculous prices that will probably increase for no reason whatsoever.
2. Bathroom that is nasty.
3. Suitemates that will eventually become annoying as hell to deal with.
4. Shit wifi.
5. "Quiet Hours". Yes, this is a thing considering the purpose of college dorms.
6. No privacy.

With all of that being said, please do yourself a great favor in both sanity and savings by getting an apartment, with "sane" people. If you prefer to save even a greater chunk and have good grades, then consider commuting.

Person 1: "I'm finally excited to move into a dorm! Freedom at last!"

Person 2. "That's what they all say, until you're first month ends. Then your dorm becomes a living hell."

by senthurmanz February 20, 2017

12πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

80's montage

Best motivation songs or videos. Period. By the time you finish listening to one, you're ready for anything, not matter what :)

Rocky was your average joe, til he went through a 80's montage. Now he's the real tiger.

by senthurmanz March 12, 2016


Most underappreciated health profession, as indicated by the ridiculous staff ratios in hospitals. Without them, patients are screwed.

Person 1: I can't believed it! Went to the hospital today, and instead got a nurse practitioner to help me. How dare they!

Person 2: How about you stfu. They actually know their shit.

by senthurmanz May 9, 2017

4πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

conservative parents

The type of parents whose kids will eventually cut ties with them permanently and never meet them again, or do elderly abuse. What goes around comes around.

Person 1: Heard John and his parents don't talk to each other anymore. What happened?

Person 2: His conservative parents drove him nuts. So when graduation came around, he disowned them permanently.

by senthurmanz April 21, 2018

25πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


The only super hero franchise that gets rebooted forever, with alternate realities.

Person 1: Can't wait to see homecoming!

Person 2: Fuck that, would pay more to see Spiderman being all grown up.

by senthurmanz October 18, 2017

medical school

A place where visions of all those doctor "reality shows" come to die. In other words, your time spent there will become hell itself, with the final product being a slave of the system itself. Even if do escape there "unscathed", the process of school will never end, especially if you have to specialize in surgery itself.

Person 1: "I want to become a doctor so I can safe lives."

Person 2: "Dude, forget medical school, it's suicide. Instead , go get a MBA, and become a hospital admin instead."

by senthurmanz May 12, 2017

12πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A cult that nobody voluntarily wants, so its forced upon by others. In other words, culture easily breeds an toxic environment where everyone is "friendly", yet secretly hates each other based on social class, wealth, education,etc.

Person 1: So what culture are you from?

Person 2: I'm a culture of one. Essentially I'm myself.

by senthurmanz December 31, 2018