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Drinking Age

Something that is retarded in the United States. You can thank Reagan and MADD for that.

"The Drinking Age is 19 in Canada, which is acceptable. Here it's 21 because conservatism.

by senthurmanz October 31, 2017

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Papa Johns

A pizza chain that's in slow decline, mostly from its retarded owner who doesn't understand how much have other pizza chains improved, such as Dominoes and Pizza Hut.

Johns Schnatter: Why is my business failing?

Everyone: Mostly because you became a jerk to your own brand. Papa Johns would improve without you.

by senthurmanz November 3, 2017

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speeding ticket

Essentially a legal extortion tactic that relies on outdated speed limits and places that live on state revenue. Better to hire a traffic attorney and deal with the bullshit now than later.

Person 1: "How the hell did Tom get a speeding ticket?"

Person 2: "Wrong place at the wrong time. Welcome to America."

by senthurmanz June 14, 2021

Popeye's Chicken

For the love of god, don't eat there. If you want to have chicken, go to Chick fil A and save your stomach and soul. Avoid this greasy disease like hell, its not different from KFC.

Person 1: "Heard you ate at Popeye's Chicken, how good was it?"

Person 2: "I have nightmares now."

by senthurmanz May 6, 2018

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San Francisco Bay Area

A place that makes NYC seem like a cheap haven to live in, which is sadly true once you see the comparisons in terms of living cost.

Person 1: "I've heard that the San Francisco Bay Area is a good place to live in."

Person 2: "Yeah, if you're a filthy rich CEO. Heck, 100k salary is lower class there.

by senthurmanz May 20, 2017

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A path not for the faint of heart. Not only will you get constantly shafted by your classes, but god forbid you get a professor or TA that grades your homework without being lenient, which happens to be the case. On the plus side, it'll be easy to find engineering opportunities and related-club, solely out of the experience of surviving hell with other poor souls.

Person 1: "I heard John had three panic attacks in a given week."

Person 2: "Welcome to Engineering."

by senthurmanz February 22, 2018


A choice that people should avoid unless they could easily balance the number of hours studying, as well as the hours volunteering at a hospital, being involved in school clubs, etc. If you get easily overwhelmed, this shouldn't be a career choice for you.

Person 1: How bad is Pre-Med?

Person 2: Enough that poor students get hammered by organic chemistry, physics, and other hardcore classes. If they fail to get into med school, they're fucked.

by senthurmanz October 15, 2017

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