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big sister

1. God's cruel example of everything a younger sibling should never be in life; 2. Usually the most judgmental person the younger sibling(s) life who will search for something negative even in the most positive things you do in life; 3. A person who doesn't understand the meaning of "age-difference" or the concept of a little sister meaning younger than them; 4. A person who receives pleasure from belittling someone(s) whom wanted to be "just like their big sister;" 5. Usually a naturally unlikeable, miserable person; 6. A person who feels no remorse for causing younger siblings pain; 7. Uncapable of love, due to ones sad excuse of being deprived of affection and attention from parents once younger (usually, sister) sibling is born; 8. At times, more often than none, may be referred to as "The Devil," "Demon Spawn," or "Evil Bitch."

Let's go to my house later, you don't want to meet my big sister.

I asked God for a sign that the devil was walking amongst us, and my big sister entered the room.

I'd say you're the most selfish person I know, but then I realized I have two big sisters.

My big sister said she was going as The Wicked Witch of the West for Halloween, so I assumed she didn't feel like dressing up this year.

by servedwithwords May 20, 2016

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