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De-Kegging, The removal of the pants and underwear in one swift movement by a third party.

This practice was brought about in British Prisons, Boarding Schools and Borstals around the 1970's, this involves a person sneaking up behind another person (Typically boys) and grabbing their pants waistline.

This is followed by a swift downwards pull taking the victims pants and underwear to their ankles.

Masked as a way to humiliate the person publicly, this is actually a homosexual based act which allows the first person to see the victims penis & size whilst playing the "i did it for a laugh" card, thus covering the first persons intended sexuality.

Jason "Humiliated" by De-Kegging him in front of everyone.

by service101 February 23, 2019


A person that displays a wicked/atrocious attitude and/or violent tendencies towards Transgender people.
Fetishizes heinous physical and/or sexual acts towards Transgender people.

Mr X was charged with a Trans-heinous crime.

by service101 January 25, 2023