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Proving your patriotism by hating the people the government tells you to hate.

Well, I guess they've added a new country to the list of our enemies. I better hate them, too, if I'm going to prove my hatriotism.

by shaniqua2 November 28, 2006

1113👍 242👎


The guys that hang around a beautiful girl. A girl's male enterage.

Julie never goes out on a Friday night without her manterage. They just can't get enough of her.

by shaniqua2 January 24, 2007

9👍 7👎

dark business

Shady activity. Something secretive and no good.
Anything from spreading gossip to dealing drugs.
Nothing good will come of it.

Bob: Hey, Jamie's really been acting weird these days.
Jonny: Yeah. I think he's up to some dark business that he's not telling us about.

by shaniqua2 November 3, 2006

9👍 2👎

culture vulture

Someone who steals traits, language and/or fashion from another ethnic or social group in order to create their own identity.

Todd just bought himself a Fubu track suit and changed his name to Tyrone. He is such a culture vulture!

by shaniqua2 December 27, 2006

874👍 289👎


Someone who is overly talkative on emails or text messages.

Man, Emily should get a job. She's been text massageing me every 2 minutes. And there are 10 emails in my inbox from her. She is way typeractive today.

by shaniqua2 January 27, 2007

2597👍 710👎