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Elmo dick

The after effects of receiving a blow job from a girl wearing red lipstick, shading the penis red.

Jerry received a bad case of elmo dick from Tina because she wanted to show off her new cherry red lipstick.

by shellystrick4L January 4, 2011

3👍 2👎

done for

When someone is undoubtedly overly intoxicated, typically resulting in that person passing out, ending their night.

Person 1: "Where's Mitch?"
Person 2: "He smoked all his weed and drank all his alcohol and is now passed out on the couch."
Person1: "Oh shit...yeah, he's done for."

by shellystrick4L December 23, 2010

15👍 12👎

team on my back

To "man up" in a sense and perform a difficult task at any cost, anything from single handedly defeating an opposing team or finishing two large pizzas in one sitting. A team is not necessarily involved. May also refer to an awe inspiring act of epic proportion.

Person 1: "Wow, there's no more soda left so you're gonna have to finish your bottle of Captain straight."
Person 2: "I don't think I can do it dude!"
Person 1: "You have to, we gotta get rid of this tonight!"
Person 2: "Fuck it, I'm gonna put the team on my back and just chug it all."

by shellystrick4L December 27, 2011

45👍 2👎