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Onomatopoeia for someone or something moving with extremely low energy or collapsing.

Look at that guy just pflumffing around.

Are you just going to pflumff around all day?

by shinsyotta December 24, 2020


The red balloon thing that lizards expand and contract on their neck as part of a mating signal (I guess).

That lizard has a bright red scribblydobble. How impressive.

by shinsyotta December 24, 2020


The warm feeling you experience when sitting in a seat that somebody else just sat in.

Thanks for letting me sit. It’s so cold. I’m just going to enjoy the shoobriness for a few moments.

by shinsyotta March 15, 2019


To waste time or procrastinate. Used primarily when you’re trying to go somewhere and you’re waiting for someone else who is dithering about.

Alternative spelling: “faff”

Stop pfaffing around. We’re trying to go out.

by shinsyotta May 30, 2021


To drag one’s body across the floor. Especially to drag one’s rear end across the floor, like a dog. Also can apply to other kinds of floor movement involving friction.

My dog keeps scrawping his butt across the grass. I think he has worms.

Will you kids stop scrawping around. I think you have worms.

by shinsyotta December 24, 2020


A sheep

Look at the blums. They must be cold tonight.

by shinsyotta December 24, 2020


Cops, but specifically when ten cop cars surround someone for a speeding violation or a malfunctioning tail light. Some cop cars even look like cockroaches.

Look... an infestation of coproaches. When there’s one, there’s a hundred.

by shinsyotta May 30, 2021