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Genetic make-up

Genetic make-up is when you see someone who has one astounding feature and nothing else (such as a great ass but a flat chest and a butterface.) It's God's way of making it up to a person for screwing them in every other way.

God: "Hey, sorry about the flat chest, bad skin, and no brains. Here's an amazing ass. It's my genetic make-up to you."

God: "Yeah, I made you tall, thin, and socially awkward. I'll make it up to you. Here's a 10 inch crank."

by shock6906 June 28, 2011

12👍 17👎


Synonym for drunk, derived from the term "liquid courage."

Man, I must have been feeling pretty courageous to get out there and dance last night. How much did I drink?

by shock6906 September 28, 2010

15👍 17👎


Cars originating from Asia. This includes Japanese, Korean, and Chinese cars. Effectively, the Asian equivalent of Eurotrash.

Man, you guys can keep your Eurotrash and Yellowtrash cars. I'm stickin' with American cars all the way!

by shock6906 January 9, 2014

4👍 18👎

Tijuana cameraman

This is the doctor that sticks the camera up your butt for a colonoscopy.

Jeff, you don't look so good, man. What's the matter?

"I've got an appointment with the Tijuana cameraman tomorrow. He's gonna have a look inside my tunnel south of the border."

by shock6906 December 14, 2011