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D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. A semisynthetic psychedelic first synthesized in 1938 by Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann, later used in psychiatric research and mind-control projects by the CIA (MKULTRA). LSD gained popularity in the 60s with the counterculture, and was quickly criminalized in 1966 in the US. It is a solid crystal, melting at app 175 deg. F, although it is highly unstable and is destroyed by heat, air, and esp. Chlorine.

Dose: LSD is most commonly found on blotting paper, sometimes in sugar cubes, aqueous form, or as small pills called microdots. The threshold is 20mcg (mcg-microgram is one millionth of a gram). In the 60s you could find doses about 500mcg, nowadays a usual dose is around 20-100 mcg, commonly in the lower range. Thus LSD is never sold adulterated, it's impossible, but it is not uncommon to find other psychoactives such as MDMA laced with LSD.

Effects: Come up is 30 min-1 1/2 hr, a trip lasts 6-14 hours depending mainly on dosage. LSD causes blood pressure and heart rate to increase, as well as salivation and perspiration. Extreme emotional changes take place; whether they are good or bad depends on set and setting. Time and space are heavily distorted, surfaces may seem to ripple like water, walls might appear to breathe; sounds are also quite distorted. A crossing of stimuli normally takes place, this means one senses, most commonly, seeing sound, or tasting color. LSD can also cause nausea, panic, and, at much higher doses, psychotomimetic effects.

Traffick: Since the early 21st century, the price of LSD has risen dramatically. Another definition says it is one of the cheapest drugs; this is untrue. It is one of the cheapest drugs to manufacture, but the consumer can expect to pay $10/hit, $90 for ten, or sometimes 2 for $15. The price rose about 6 years ago after the Pickard/Apperson bust. Pickard/Apperson labs were responsible for the majority of acid produced domestically; about 100 clandestine acid labs remain in the US, most in northern Cali.

Chemistry: LSD is synthesized most commonly from lysergic acid, or lysergic acid amides which are found in Morning Glory seeds, Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds, Ergot (a fungus that grows on rye), and possibly sleepy grass. LSD production requires many organic solvents, app. $5000 worth of glassware, and a couple years of organic chemistry. It is very difficult and dangerous, don't try it at home.

Toxicity/Myth Debunking: LSD is non-toxic to the body, the LD50 is somewhere in the 12,000-14,000 microgram range; the only overdose involved 360,000 mcg of LSD... most acid chemists don't even manufacture that much in one batch. It does NOT stay in your spinal fluid (flash backs and HPPD are rare psychiatric disorders), it is metabolized rather quickly into an inactive analogue. It does NOT cause your brain to bleed. Most acid heads will tell you it does, but acid heads are morons. Strokes, intracranial hemorrhaging, CVA, and annuerysms cause your brain to bleed, not acid.

LSD is a rather sophisticated and complex drug, so basically... It makes you trip balls!

C: I just ate seven hits of LSD.
J: You're going to see God tonight.
C: No, that's for when I eat a ten strip.

by sidman August 12, 2009

370👍 49👎

west chester

A suburb north of cincinnati where no one calls you back about shrooms.

Dealer: Yo, I got boomers (shrooms).
Consumer: Give me a quarter.
... 3 days later.
Consumer: Hey, what's the word on the shrooms?
... 7 hours later.
Dealer: O, sorry man, all out.

Consumer: Fuck West Chester

by sidman August 12, 2009

15👍 49👎