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taylor grief

An exclamation of upset or calamity, though normally associated with the disbelief of a situation (slightly humourous). A little stronger than "good grief" but nowhere near as strong and a lot more humourous than "shit" or "fuck it".

For the 3rd time that morning Ricky dropped his toast & marmalade on the kitchen floor and once again it landed marmalade side down - "Taylor grief", he muttered to himself.

by sixxon June 18, 2007

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To take more than your fair share of fridge space (usually common in shared households). The offender either buys more food than they can store or spreads out their food over the whole fridge in such a way that you have to remove their food before you can get to your own.

Cliff: What do ya think of the new guy then?

Matt: He's okay but I can never get to my food.

Cliff: What, you mean he's a fridge-jacker?

Matt: Yeah.

by sixxon June 19, 2007

system addict

Brainwashed human (typically from the Western hemisphere) that believes that they cannot live without the trappings of western life. Eg: they will exhibit extremely neurotic behaviour if they are ever without their mobile-phone, television, gameboy, i-pod, fast-food, car, make-up etc.

Extra Terrestrial 1: These humans are funny creatures - they could live in perfect harmony with their planet but instead they choose to create systems and structures that become huge distractions from the truth.

ET 2: Yes, then they become addicted to that which they have created. I think that makes them system addicts just like the now extinct Grippolians.

by sixxon June 18, 2007

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pickus digitus

The fairly common act exhibited by someone when nervous, worried or scared about a situation. Symptoms involve the removal of skin from around the nail area of a finger(s) - either using fingers or teeth.

Joey: I don't know wot you're worried about man, I mean you studied hard for that exam - I don't get why you need to pickus digitus.

Rick: Yeah you're right, but it's this bad habit I got.

by sixxon June 19, 2007

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Common term used to describe a typical singing contestant on any reality television talent contest show, such as Pop Idol.

Dec: Hey, wot ya doin on Saturday night?

Ant: Fuck all, so I'll probably end up watching TV - that Pop Idol shit is on.

Dec: Oh yeah, I don't know how you can sit through that fucking bullshit - they're all a bunch of talentless fucks.

Ant: I know, you're right, they're all a bunch of fucking ratsingers but I like watching it anyway.

Dec: Prick!

by sixxon June 18, 2007

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The state acheived by one who is stupid often and on a regular basis.

Person 1: That guy is such a fucking muppet!
Person 2: Yeah I know, he acheived muppethood last week.
Person 2: Prick!

Old English saying: "George W Bush acheived muppethood the day he was born"

by sixxon June 18, 2007

Doppler shit

The annoying situation of trying to shit in a public lavatory which suddenly becomes busy with people. Effort is made to shit as quietly as possible but failure to do so leads to a loud embarassing splash which is clearly heard by all. So named after the "Doppler effect", whereby a moving object emanating sound, changes pitch as it's distance to the subject listening increases/decreases.

(1) Man(upon rejoining his wife): Honey, I'm so embarassed - do you think they're all looking at me 'cos they know it was me that Doppler shitted?

(2) Hey, I think that's the guy that laid that Doppler shit we heard earlier. Noisy fucker couldn't control it - shoulda put down some paper first.

by sixxon June 18, 2007

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