Source Code

Hole In The Head

The last thing you'd ever want, used as a simile.

"If the zoning board rejects our proposal, we'll be forced to allow the superhighway to divide the property, and then 9 holes might be on one side, and the other 9 holes on the other side. We need that like we need a Hole in the Head."

by skydog70 May 7, 2007

40πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

ding dong

A vicious fight where one, or several, persons hit the floor.

Boy what happened last Saturday night at the live house when that yakuza man got hit with a bottle and lay down on the floor for a long time? What a ding dong that was, huh?

by skydog70 January 8, 2006

43πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

humboldt park

A big old park designed by Olmsted, in Chicago near Division (St.) and California (Ave.), located in the middle of what has long been a highly dysfunctional neighborhood; the most dangerous part of the city; now with a growing number of yuppies moving in, but the old crew hanging on as well.
A good percentage of the buildings on Division Street have been burned since the 1970's, giving the neighborhood a semi-rural feel. But, don't be deceived by looks, nor stay around there after dark. It is still a pretty bad place with big trouble lurking here and there.

"Humboldt for a rumble."

Roberto Clemente High School, the school with the highest rate of violence and teen pregnancies, lowest test scores, and largest number of dropouts in the city, is in Chicago's Humboldt Park neighborhood.

Humboldt Park reminds me of, "Rip-Off Park", from the old 'Freak Brother's', comics.

by skydog70 May 17, 2008

20πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

humboldt park

A big old park designed by Olmsted, in Chicago near Division (St.) and California (Ave.), located in the middle of what has long been a highly dysfunctional neighborhood; the most dangerous part of the city; now with a growing number of yuppies moving in, but the old crew hanging on as well.
A good percentage of the buildings on Division Street have been burned since the 1970's, giving the neighborhood a semi-rural feel. But, don't be deceived by looks, nor stay around there after dark. It is still a pretty bad place with big trouble lurking here and there.

"Humboldt for a rumble."

Roberto Clemente High School, the school with the highest rate of violence and teen pregnancies, lowest test scores, and largest number of dropouts in the city, is in Chicago's Humboldt Park neighborhood.

Humboldt reminds me of, "Rip-Off Park", from the old 'Freak Brother's', comics.

by skydog70 May 17, 2008

14πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

wing wiper

Rear echelon. A veteran of any branch, having served in country, but not on the front lines.

Joe: "I served in Vietnam. I have a service medal to prove it. But, I was, 'in the rear (with the beer)' the whole time. That was fine by me. I didn't want to go out there." (laughs)

Disabled Veteran: "You were a 'wing wiper'! A 'wing wiper'!! Do you think you are any expert?!"

by skydog70 April 17, 2007

20πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A mixture of gasoline and milk, imbibed in desperate straits by hobos with nothing better to do, or for kicks if someone is mean enough to put you up to it. An intense experience,to say the least, so say survivors.

John: "Hey, did you ever drink bing-bang?"
Randy: "Oh no!,... oh Shit!... Oh God! Oh God!!!!"
John: "Did you die?!"
Randy: "Felt like I did..."

by skydog70 January 5, 2006

47πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


To sneak up on someone and bean him with a heavy blow to the back of the head.

"Jim got thunked going home last night. Serves him right for walking in a dark alley with all his paycheck in his pocket.

by skydog70 January 5, 2006

128πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž