Source Code


The character name of one of the "Little Rascals", a black boy who starred along with Buckwheat. He was black, so they gave him a name associated with his shade of skin color, what you'd probably see if you were blind.
Stymie is Scottish for "blind man.", in particular, one with white eyes like cataracts, thus what they'd call one golf ball blocking another golf ball on the golf green. It really could, with some imagination, look like a man with cataracts.

Eddie Murphy got his start making stand-up jokes about all the names given the Little Rascals, particularly Stymie.

by skydog70 May 19, 2007

29πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Hole In The Head

The last thing you'd ever want, used as a simile.

"If the zoning board rejects our proposal, we'll be forced to allow the superhighway to divide the property, and then 9 holes might be on one side, and the other 9 holes on the other side. We need that like we need a Hole in the Head."

by skydog70 May 7, 2007

40πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

ding dong

A vicious fight where one, or several, persons hit the floor.

Boy what happened last Saturday night at the live house when that yakuza man got hit with a bottle and lay down on the floor for a long time? What a ding dong that was, huh?

by skydog70 January 8, 2006

43πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

humboldt park

A big old park designed by Olmsted, in Chicago near Division (St.) and California (Ave.), located in the middle of what has long been a highly dysfunctional neighborhood; the most dangerous part of the city; now with a growing number of yuppies moving in, but the old crew hanging on as well.
A good percentage of the buildings on Division Street have been burned since the 1970's, giving the neighborhood a semi-rural feel. But, don't be deceived by looks, nor stay around there after dark. It is still a pretty bad place with big trouble lurking here and there.

"Humboldt for a rumble."

Roberto Clemente High School, the school with the highest rate of violence and teen pregnancies, lowest test scores, and largest number of dropouts in the city, is in Chicago's Humboldt Park neighborhood.

Humboldt Park reminds me of, "Rip-Off Park", from the old 'Freak Brother's', comics.

by skydog70 May 17, 2008

20πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

humboldt park

A big old park designed by Olmsted, in Chicago near Division (St.) and California (Ave.), located in the middle of what has long been a highly dysfunctional neighborhood; the most dangerous part of the city; now with a growing number of yuppies moving in, but the old crew hanging on as well.
A good percentage of the buildings on Division Street have been burned since the 1970's, giving the neighborhood a semi-rural feel. But, don't be deceived by looks, nor stay around there after dark. It is still a pretty bad place with big trouble lurking here and there.

"Humboldt for a rumble."

Roberto Clemente High School, the school with the highest rate of violence and teen pregnancies, lowest test scores, and largest number of dropouts in the city, is in Chicago's Humboldt Park neighborhood.

Humboldt reminds me of, "Rip-Off Park", from the old 'Freak Brother's', comics.

by skydog70 May 17, 2008

14πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


If you want to know what it was like to live in Ohio in the 1930's; and it's not beneath your dignity to work boring, dangerous, even filthy jobs, then Lima, -a city on Hog Creek in western Ohio, exactly between Cincinnati and Toledo off I-75-, is the place to be!
Winters are fairly mild, summers cool, -Lima is not as hot as Cincinnati, nor as cold as Fort Wayne.
Were it not for the occasional explosion over at the nearby BP oil refinery, (the backbone of the entire job base in Lima), or military contracts making jeeps and tanks, I would consider Lima even bucolic, at least in its outskirts.
Shawnee, an old Indian reservation to the south, (also on Hog Creek, but downwind of the refinery), is now a township with its own country club where all the rich people want to live. Years ago, there was even a Johnny Appleseed tree in front of Shawnee School.

Unlike Flint,-a town also off I-75, with it's own share of misery and contributions to the past, Lima has never depended on just one industry. So, if a company makes an exit, (and several have), others seem to fill in where that one left off.
Some speculate, though, that if the oil refinery ever leaves, it would be a death blow just like what happened to Flint with General Motors..
I'd like to see that happen. Lima people have that kind of sadistic streak in them. More to the point, the oil refinery has put Lima on the map as a potential nuclear strike target, so the reason for all the military.

A lot of military people come from Lima, so, there is a big VFW and American Legion Hall, even several National Guard Armories. If VFW is the only party in town, (outside of the YMCA), then it is not surprising that the word 'Lima' gets into Military jargon, because most of their hardware even comes from Lima.
One Marine unit from the area is even known as the "Lucky Lima".

And, Lima has less of the racial tension found elsewhere, due to the semi-intact low-skill job base it has always enjoyed, that acts as a melting pot. We don't fight in line waiting for the soup kitchens to open either, let's put it that way.
My favorite shop, right in downtown Lima, across from the courthouse, is 'Daily's', where everything is either post-dated, or in dented cans. (Get there early, or they have dudes coming in to buy all the Malt Liquor soon as they get it..) The "Top Hat" bar, next to Daily's, got ambushed one night, and the owner beaten beyond recognition when he was locking up.
The finest Hamburger shops in the world are in Lima, as well as fine eateries specializing in breaded veal cutlet.
Oh, please come and experience this fine town!

Why does my sister talk like a black girl? Because, we're from Lima!
What a beautiful snowy morning. Too bad it will be black slush by noon.
The 'girl next door', got a job building army tanks over at General Dynamics. Welcome to Lima!

by skydog70 January 19, 2007

115πŸ‘ 109πŸ‘Ž


1) Only a small dent.
2) To punch someone in the head- hard enough to hurt their pride, but not hard enough to keep them from seeking vengeance.

Joe: I wonder after that night I hit Richard in the head in the Bar.
Mike: What is this all about?
Barry (to Mike): He dinged Richard. (Ha ha ha.)

by skydog70 February 21, 2011

45πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž