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Interjection. Used primarily in text messages to denote displeasure, disgust, or disapproval.

I just saw my ex bf kissing some skankҀ”grmph!

by slegotoo November 8, 2010


Noun. English spoken in the style of Star Wars character Yoda.

"A number three meal with a large drink will I have," I said in Yodish.

by slegotoo November 8, 2010


Noun. An online journal using graphics, text, audio, and video applications to share ideas and experiences.

Make sure you check out my African safari xog to see the photos and videos I took.

by slegotoo November 8, 2010

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A beginner, entry-level, or apprentice stoner.

Hey, dude, check out the bakie coughing his guts out from that bucket-bong hit. He's gonna be so stoned.

by slegotoo June 25, 2011

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Noun. A phony accent.

Dude. That awful phaccent sounded more British than Austrailian.

by slegotoo November 8, 2010



The little bits of fuzz that sometimes collect in one's butt-crack after wearing sweat-pants without underwear.

When I got home from playing handball with my buds, there was this wad of cheney in my ass-crack from my sweats. I gotta remember to wear underwear, next time.

by slegotoo February 13, 2012

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Verb. Appointing a family member to an important position ahead of other, more qualified applicants.

My uncle is going to nepotize me right into that management job at his cracker factory.

by slegotoo November 8, 2010

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