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A single glove or mitten, worn with the sole purpose of holding a chilly beverage. Must not be sold in pairs.

I'm sorry your hand is cold while you enjoy your drink. Mine is quite toasty, because I'm using a Gloozie

by smebobo March 25, 2022


The moment of eye contact exchanged between the person leaving a bathroom stall and the person about the enter.

There awkwardness of the glooping outside the McDonald's bathroom was tenable, as both parties went on their way.

by smebobo October 6, 2019


The glob of cream cheese that squishes out of the bagel hole

My bagel had such a large chwish that I had to remove it with a plastic knife before eating.

by smebobo March 17, 2018

Social Smooshing

The opposite of Social Distancing, Social Smooshing is the act of maintaining barely-any or no distance between friends, acquaintances, and strangers as the world emerges from the contact-deprived depths of Covid isolation.

Social Smooshing is now mandated at all times in public places, homes, and gatherings of 2 or more people. Be sure to make direct contact for at least 37 seconds with whomever you encounter.

by smebobo January 28, 2021