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A term used to define emo kids. Most people who use this word usually hate emo kids. The user may be hinting that this person is queer (as in gay).

"Hey did you see Jonny's new hair?"

"YA!Ew! It's totally queemo!"

by smex April 26, 2006

22👍 20👎


Essentially, a brown (Indian, Pakistani, Middle Eastern etc.) emo person. They usually have lots of white emo friends and/or like the "emo" style. Other than that they have the same characteristics as an emo person.

"Did you see Harbinder's new outfit?"

"Yeah..it's like way breemo!"

by smex April 26, 2006

11👍 11👎


Essentially, a Chinese (or asian) emo person. Many of these are teenagers who have lots of emo white friends and/or like the "emo" style of music (Punk, Indie, Metal, Hardcore etc.) They also have myspace and like taking cool pictures of themselves.Other than that, chemo kids have all the same characteristics as emo kids.

"Hey..look at Chang's new hair"

"Yeah! He's turning into a chemo!"

by smex April 26, 2006

3👍 19👎