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A girls name that can be shortened to Andy. The best name for a space nerd.

Andromeda is one of the most amazing and beautiful people you'll ever meet; she is the most caring person you could ever meet and will always put up with you. She is worth every second, and you'll never regret messing up your sleep schedule for her. Her smile can brighten up any room and make you smile with her own smile. You'll have your ups and downs but you'll both understand and sort everything out together. Whenever you can't talk to them or see them you'll miss her like crazy. She'll always be on your mind, no matter what. You'll be obsessed with her smile, her laugh and her voice. Everything about her is perfect, including flaws. Her flaws are what make her unique and you wouldn't change anything about her for the world. Once you get through her hard exterior, she's really a big softie. But you really have to work to get to know her but once you do, it's so worth it. She is so down to earth and never takes you or anything for granted. You could talk to her for hours about anything with her. Always remind her she is beautiful. She won't believe you but everyone around her already knows. Be there for her and she will always be there for you too, no matter what. You will never be able to describe her because there are not enough words in the English language. If you ever meet Andromeda keep her close. Your life will never be the same for the better when you meet her.

Person 1 : i met this girl last night and her name's Andromeda
Person 2 : bro,,, i can already tell she's amazing

by snickerless August 29, 2019

49👍 5👎


A name that can be shortened to Andy. The best name for a space nerd.

Andromeda is one of the most amazing and beautiful people you'll ever meet; They are the most caring person you could ever meet and will always put up with you. They are worth every second, and you'll never regret messing up your sleep schedule for them. Their smile can brighten up any room and make you smile with their own smile. You'll have your ups and downs but you'll both understand and sort everything out together. Whenever you can't talk to them or see them you'll miss them like crazy. They'll always be on your mind, no matter what. You'll be obsessed with their smile, their laugh and their voice. Everything about them is perfect. Their flaws are what make them unique and you wouldn't change anything about them for the world. Once you get through their hard exterior, they're really a big softie. But you really have to work to get to know them but once you do, it's so worth it. They are so down to earth and never takes you or anything for granted. You could talk to them for hours about anything with them. Always remind them that they are beautiful. They won't believe you but everyone around them already knows. Be there for them and they will always be there for you too, no matter what. You will never be able to describe them because there are not enough words in the English language. If you ever meet Andromeda keep them close. Your life will never be the same for the better when you meet them.

Person 1 : i met this pretty person last night and their name's Andromeda

Person 2 : bro,,, i can already tell they are amazing

by snickerless February 23, 2021