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who is you?

a question asked when concerned with/questioning/mad at something someone has said or done.

I went to spukies but i got a grilled chicked instead of a chicken finger plate. who IS you?!

by snoops June 26, 2003

109👍 42👎


nickname for a close friend (referring to snoop dogg cuz hes the man)

what up snoops, let's go to spukies

by snoops June 26, 2003

7👍 27👎


affirmative; yes; good idea; used in excitement

Let's go to spukies.

by snoops June 26, 2003

10👍 15👎


Short for hemmeroid.

Man, this roid is burning and itchy!

by snoops November 12, 2003

22👍 35👎