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n. Loud oral sex performed on a man. Usually more intense than a regular blow job. Named after how one giving a rocketship sounds like a rocket blasting off.

After a girl gives me a rocketship, I achieve lift off.

by some punk kid April 22, 2005

38πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


plural noun, 1. The alphabet.
singular noun, 2. The basic facts of a subject.

1. One of the first things preschoolers learn are their ABC's.
2. Using dimensional analysis is considered to be one of the ABC's of analyzing the physical sciences.

by some punk kid September 27, 2005

22πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


Result of switching the "t" and the "b" in the phrase "Big n' tasty." A term of frustration used when you go to McDonald's or an equivalent fast food restaurant, order something, and the cashier or person behind the drive-thru window attempts to repeat what you said in either unintelligible language or something totally contrary to what you asked for. This is a stupid, yet somewhat gratifying, way to respond.

Employee behind drive-thru window (speaking in bad microphone): Welcome to McDonald's. May I help you?
Me: Yes. I would like a large #2, diet coke, and some cookies.
Employee: Mehdoodootmokoonbakh?
Me: WHAT?!
Employee: Meh-doo-doot-mok-oon-bakh?
Me: Yeah fool. I want a tiggenbasty!
Employee: Huh?
Me: Exactly.

by some punk kid March 21, 2005

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Si(x)=?(sin t)/t dt, a=0, b=x

This function was constructed by using the Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Construction Theorem for Antiderivatives). The function f(t)=(sin t)/t used to give mathematicians a lot of grief since its antiderivative is not an elementary function and that the limit as t approaches 0 of (sin t)/t is 0/0 (we do know that that limit is approximately 1 by using L'Hopital's rule). The Construction Theorem made calculating values of Si(x) to any degree of accuracy easy. This is useful as some scientists and engineers use it all the time in fields such as optics and magnetism.

Si(1)=0.95, Si(2)=1.61, Si(3)=1.85 . . .

by some punk kid February 14, 2005

8πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Advanced Placement Program

A program backed by the College Board that offers college-level advanced placement (AP) courses. They are designed to give intellectually gifted, hard-working high school students with good grades a prospective experience in introductory college-level material. Each of the 34 AP classes prepare students to take the AP exams given every year in late April or May. If you score a 3 or higher on any exam, then whatever college you go to will give you college credit for the equivalent of that class. Of course, there is a lot of work done in these classes, and they move at a very quick pace. Don't take an AP course unless you feel that you truly, genuinely prepared for a serious academic challenge.

When I was in high school, I was one of those crazy motherfuckers that wanted to take every AP course possible. Here's a list of every AP class that I took and what I did in them:

AP World History: learned about world history minus Africa after the end of the Kemetic (Egyptian) empire, Asia after the end of the Babylonian empire, South America, and any other place on earth not relevant to European history. Coped with an ignorant teacher who didn't know the difference between Pakistan and India. One day after school, a few of my friends and I snuck into her room and played Super Smash Bros. on her tv. We recorded the game on one of her PBS tapes. When she showed it class the next day, everyone saw a wonderful match between Captain Falcon and Link, and she never found out who did it. It was great!
AP American History: Worse than World History. Different teacher; just as ignorant. Learned to fear the letters D, B, and Q. Everyone spent their time doing their calculus homework, which brings me to the next class.
AP Calculus: Hard at first; too easy later. Somewhat fun. The teacher felt superior to everybody due to her vast mathematical knowledge. Quickly forgot everything after the end of the year.
AP Physics: The devil class itself. The worst out of all the AP classes. Had a stupid pig of a teacher who definitely wasn't qualified to teach the work. He had to ask everyone in the class to help him answer the problems that he gave. Every morning in the lunchroom, we would all copy each other's homework and lab reports. During the class, we did everything from listening to music, playing GBA, conversating, sleeping, and playing the dozens with the stupid instructor. Never actually did any physics. That's why every time we had a test, the average grade was a 42 and the teacher had to give a ridiculous curve of 30 points just so that one person could pass.
AP English: Learned how to make spark notes our best friend. Did a lot of reading and writing. Really boring. Had a goofy teacher who was excited to read Hamlet and The Fixer. Gave us a "quote of the day" every single day. Why, I'll never know.
AP Government: I can't remember a single thing from that class. I fell asleep in it every day.
AP Statistics: Stupid excuse for a math class. Half of the stuff you already learned in middle school, just with bigger words and impractical formulas. Take mathematical statistics when you get into college. That's the real statistics.

Many students share similar experiences. The advanced placement program is not for the weak. Enroll in an AP class, and be prepared for a great workload, severe boredom (or as my AP English teacher would say, ennui), and, if nothing else, all hell. Those who take AP Bio, AP Chem, and any other AP course, I know your pain. However, having several AP classes does look good on your transcript, and raking in those 4's and 5's do attract those wonderful ivy league universities.

I heard that exams for AP Chinese, AP Italian, and AP Japanese are being added in the next few years. Why can't there be a cool AP course like AP Culinary Arts, AP Swahili, or AP Stage and Film Combat. C'mon.

by some punk kid June 10, 2005

145πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


The ultimate mind trick.

Humans are superior lifeforms because they are capable of intelligent thought. If so, why is there so much violence and hate in the world.

by some punk kid May 2, 2005

266πŸ‘ 156πŸ‘Ž

World's Best Rappers List


Melle Mel
Grandmaster Caz
The Notorious B.I.G.
Big Daddy Kane
Ice Cube
Kool Moe Dee
LL Cool J
Chuck D
Slick Rick
Big Pun
Mos Def
Busy Bee
Lauryn Hill
Method Man
Queen Latifah
Kool G. Rap
Ras Kass
Talib Kweli
Andre 3000
Coke La Rock

Wu-Tang Clan
Cold Crush Brothers
Masta Ace Incorporated
The Beastie Boys
Public Enemy
Company Flow
A Tribe Called Quest
Crash Crew
Grandmaster Flash and the Furious 5
De La Soul
Dead Prez
Black Moon
Diggin' In The Crates

" So all you hip-hops get on up,
And let's take it to the top where we belong,
Cause the age of the Beat Street wave is here.
Everybody let's sing along. Now come on."
-Melle Mel, "Beat Street Breakdown"

by some punk kid March 18, 2005

227πŸ‘ 275πŸ‘Ž