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middle of the night

the time of night where you'll be crying,it could be over a big problem or a small one,either way,its always during the middle of the night

person 1: dude,you look tired,what did you do?
person 2: i was up in the middle of the night over my ex
person 1: damn dude,got down bad

by somebastardonline March 10, 2021

3👍 6👎

middle of the night

the time of day where you're crying over something,either big or small

person 1: dude,you look tired,what did you do?
person 2: i was still awake in middle of the night over my ex
person 1: damn,that gotta suck dude

by somebastardonline March 10, 2021


according to mental cases on twitter, it's when you cut yourself so deep and it looks like beans? at least that's what i can get from it, idk i'm not mentally ill

some rando (probably a furry): hey i feel like going on twitter today and seeing some paw beans
twitter: here's some self harm shit that we allow on our website!
the guy: WTF

by somebastardonline January 26, 2023