Source Code

Kool-Aid kids

An advert chain by Kool-Aid from the 60's to promote their highly inaccurate and racist commercials featuring "Kool-Aid kids". They usually visit other countries, and they are unhappy since they don't have kool-aid. They say: "Kool-Aid, Kool-Aid. Taste great. Wish we had some. Can't wait..." Then they show a small clip of their family (actresses) drinking kool-aid and smiling to it.

Kool-Aid kids: Kool-Aid, Kool-Aid! Taste great! Wish we had some, can't wait!
Racist stereotype of an Asian: Hi, Kool-Aid kids! We're very wise! Son by people be suprise!
Kool-Aid with epicanthic folds (asian eyes): Kool-Aid, Kool-Aid! Sooo great! Once you tried it, no fun can't wait!

by someunfunnyguy69 May 24, 2018

13πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


common finnish curse word for damn god of thunder which later became a joke

Drake: Hey, Mikko! What's up?
Mikko: Hey! Nothing much, did you bring my car back?
Drake: Um, about that. I need to say something...
Mikko: Yes?
Drake: Promise to not get mad, ok?
Mikko: Why would I get mad at my friend!
Drake: I crashed your car at forest and all your beer glasses broke.

by someunfunnyguy69 May 27, 2018

147πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Normie is usually a person or a stereotype, who in real life or at internet usually does normal things and doesn't show any special abilities which makes non-normie people bored, and want to punch them in their mouth so they could shut up. Normie's chart in real life should go like this as a example:

Normie wakes up.
Normie goes to brush his/her teeth.
Normie haves breakfast and reads the newspaper or listen to the news.
Normie walks, drives or uses public transport to go to work.
Normie does work.
Normie comes back from work.
Normie haves dinner.
Normie brushes teeth.
Normie goes to sleep.
Cycle repeats, unless they quit being normies.

Normies in internet are usually hated mostly, due to them sharing awful, tasteless jokes, tell about the news that others heard about ages ago, share their already highly populated opinions and ruining things from others such as: Video games
where they share it to their other normies, and becomes the video game becomes too populated and common game, that non-normies want to play it anymore.

Forums, where they write stupid crap that have been discussed, or are just so dumb that people would not go to the same forum, because it would be flooded with normies, and their favourite thing they love to ruin are:
when a normie hears about a populated meme, they get exited and share it to their other normies friends and then make the meme die off quickly.

Fun fact: Most 4channers hate normies.

Normie 1: Hey! Have you heard of Harambe, Ugandan Knuckles and We are number #1?
Normie 2: Oh yeah! LOL!!!! They're so hilarious!
Normie 1: I know right! Strange, when I show them to others, they don't laugh and call me a normie.
Normie 2: May be some dumb hipsters who laugh at dumb things lol.

by someunfunnyguy69 June 24, 2018

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


it's just better than Sweden

- Finland

by someunfunnyguy69 August 25, 2018

21πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Short for Not Safe For Work (or Not Suitable For Work), which includes things like: Pornography, gore, fetishes and other shit. If any of your co-workers or your boss finds you watching NSFW, it's gonna be embarrassing and you'll get fired. Watch it at home at your own privacy.

Worker: Huh? This is interesting... "Anime girl has a fun time"
*sees hentai and hears moaning*
Worker: Oh shit! I better clear this NSFW crap and clear the history before anyone sees it!
Worker: No sir, it was just "business" ;)

by someunfunnyguy69 August 18, 2018

304πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


a gay ass way of saying Sorry

Eli: Yo, how big is your dick?
Mike: Pardon?
Eli: Yo, bitch you don't live in England, you like in United States bitch!

by someunfunnyguy69 May 29, 2018

11πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Sonic Underground

a lazy attempt by SEGA to make a sonic cartoon where they have constant loops, story holes and FUCKING BEST GUITAR JAMS LIKE IT'S THE NINETIES!!! also they insert terrible jokes and c00l things in order to appeal to those fucking normie hipsters

also the faces the characters make is great

SEGA: Alright, we need more popularity. We're making a new Sonic cartoon called "Sonic Underground". Ideas?
Worker 1: Let's put more effort!
Worker 2: Fuck that, just insert some c00l shit so it appeals to hipsters.
Worker 1: But that will make the show horrible!
Worker 2: Shut up, bitch! We don't need to do that! It will do fine without effort!
SEGA: Okay, it's settled! Sonic Underground will be on TV! Now let's wait for the cash...

by someunfunnyguy69 May 24, 2018

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž