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When you listen to loli breathing as you jiggle your sausage.

Loli: Onii-chan, what is this white liquid in my pee hole?
FBI: *thump* *thump* *thump* FBI OPEN UP! *doors and windows blow up and rifles get fired rapidly*

by someunfunnyguy69 July 24, 2018

87👍 11👎


Bloxxer is a stereotype for ROBLOX players who play games, where they kill each other (PvP) or kill enemies. (PvE)

Bloxxer Kid 1: Ugh, Meepcity is booooooriiiing.
Bloxxer Kid 1: HELL YEA!

by someunfunnyguy69 July 22, 2018

3👍 3👎


A person that is not Japanese themselves (mostly on groups) who think that Japan is the most best countries in the world, and disrespect their own culture and country. They also believe that when you watch little bit of anime, you will be able to speak japanese, which they suck fucking alot on speaking it. They also attempt to do "anime cosplays" with freaky costumes and it can be unhealthy.

NOTE: You are not a weeaboo, if you like Japan, and respect it's culture and stick with your own country traditions, and culture. You can watch anime and hentai, if you like and that would not make you a weeaboo. You'll become weeaboo if you believe Japan and everything coming from Japan is best than others, and forget and disrespect your own country and it's culture + traditions.

Weeaboo kids: Papa, papa! Are we kawaii? If you say no, then you're a baka!
Dad: Speak like normal people or otherwise I'm gonna bring the belt!

by someunfunnyguy69 May 25, 2018

74👍 9👎


Normie is usually a person or a stereotype, who in real life or at internet usually does normal things and doesn't show any special abilities which makes non-normie people bored, and want to punch them in their mouth so they could shut up. Normie's chart in real life should go like this as a example:

Normie wakes up.
Normie goes to brush his/her teeth.
Normie haves breakfast and reads the newspaper or listen to the news.
Normie walks, drives or uses public transport to go to work.
Normie does work.
Normie comes back from work.
Normie haves dinner.
Normie brushes teeth.
Normie goes to sleep.
Cycle repeats, unless they quit being normies.

Normies in internet are usually hated mostly, due to them sharing awful, tasteless jokes, tell about the news that others heard about ages ago, share their already highly populated opinions and ruining things from others such as: Video games
where they share it to their other normies, and becomes the video game becomes too populated and common game, that non-normies want to play it anymore.

Forums, where they write stupid crap that have been discussed, or are just so dumb that people would not go to the same forum, because it would be flooded with normies, and their favourite thing they love to ruin are:
when a normie hears about a populated meme, they get exited and share it to their other normies friends and then make the meme die off quickly.

Fun fact: Most 4channers hate normies.

Normie 1: Hey! Have you heard of Harambe, Ugandan Knuckles and We are number #1?
Normie 2: Oh yeah! LOL!!!! They're so hilarious!
Normie 1: I know right! Strange, when I show them to others, they don't laugh and call me a normie.
Normie 2: May be some dumb hipsters who laugh at dumb things lol.

by someunfunnyguy69 June 24, 2018

8👍 4👎


it's just better than Sweden

- Finland

by someunfunnyguy69 August 25, 2018

21👍 3👎


It's anime *japanese cartoon* but with big tits and tentacles going to bitch's pussy

Human 1: Yo, wanna check out porn this weekend with beer?
Human 2: Is it hentai?
Human 1: No, it's normal human porn.
Human 2: Real men watch hentai. They don't watch fucking normal porn.
Human 1: But it's unrealistic, and they have unrealistically big eyes!
Human 2: Shut up! You're not my friend anymore! So fuck off!

by someunfunnyguy69 May 25, 2018

2683👍 295👎

GTA San Andreas



by someunfunnyguy69 July 24, 2018

46👍 4👎