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1) To beat the crap out of someone.

2) To drink or use drugs to the point just before passing out.

Me and Justin went to da bar and got flogged.

by southern_discomfort81 September 13, 2004

15👍 45👎


to be extremely intoxicated

Did you see Vanessa last night? She was Blistered, yo.

by southern_discomfort81 September 13, 2004

18👍 5👎


To be intoxicated, to the point that you cannot even THINK

I took a hit of acid and was completely Clusterfucked

by southern_discomfort81 September 13, 2004

12👍 49👎


One's home or house. Any place where you may live or sleep.

Yo, Ima head on back to the cot.

by southern_discomfort81 September 13, 2004

49👍 62👎