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Fatty McFat Fat

1) used to insult someone who may be fat

2) used to insult someone because you can't seem to think of a better insult than "Fatty McFat Fat"

Hey look, There's Fatty McFat Fat! Freaking Fatty!

by sowutifimuglt,ugly! January 19, 2007

87👍 25👎


A whore or slut who will have oral sex in order to receive payment of some kind.

Man, that girl is such a chickenhead!

by sowutifimuglt,ugly! January 19, 2007

9👍 29👎


1) meant to describe someone who is not fat, but odd looking.

That weird guy at my work looks... shapes.

by sowutifimuglt,ugly! January 19, 2007

33👍 25👎


(pronounced oh-beest)

1) a mix of the words beast, in this case really good at something, and phat. Someone is very proficient in something.

Hey man, my wide receiver is so good, that he's obeast!

by sowutifimuglt,ugly! January 19, 2007

3👍 39👎