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the instrument that only plays forte or louder

BD: trumpets, for the fifth time in the past 2 minutes, can you please play softer????????????????!!!!!

by spectre729 July 29, 2019

Your dad’s sneeze

The loudest sound in the universe

I can’t hear anything because of your dad’s sneeze

by spectre729 July 30, 2019

You guys sound great!

That one phrase you’ll never heard the band director say

After a great marching performance by the band, the band director says, “ Wow, you guys sound great!” Then, I wake up from my dream

by spectre729 July 29, 2019

You guys sound great!

That one phrase you’ll never heard the band director say

After a great marching performance by the band, the band director says, “ Wow, you guys sound great!” Then, I wake up from my dream

by spectre729 July 29, 2019


What Steven He is

9-year-old Steven: Don't say failure!

Steven's dad aka substitute teacher: *waits for 2-3 awkward silence*


by spectre729 May 2, 2021

76👍 9👎


The grade that will impressive everyone except Asian parents

To normal parents: wow, that’s great! I’m so proud of you!
To Asian parents: that’s average. Do better

by spectre729 July 30, 2019

496👍 23👎

I can make this better

What every Asian mom would say after eating food made by someone else

Me: *trys to enjoy some pizza*
My Asian mom: I can make this better

by spectre729 July 30, 2019