Source Code


US military (specifically Air Force military transport) jargon ca. 1970s-1980s, referring to an operation or undertaking involving an unnecessarily large number of people, most of them contributing nothing or actually impeding progress. Typically used to refer to flightline operations where military brass felt it necessary to make their presence felt and impede the normal duties/operations of the aircrew, offering "advice" or "assistance" that was neither requested nor needed.

"We got gear up and flaps up out of Norton (Air Force Base) on time, no sweat, but Travis was a major goat-rope and a half. We had three times as many Base Ops types and ground-pounders in the cargo compartment as crewmembers, and the only reason they finally got the hell out of the way is that they didn't want to buy a crew delay."

by speedstan May 5, 2008

130πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

ramp tramp

noun: 1960's origin, military/aviation terms for a semi-skilled or unskilled airport/airbase flight-line worker: typically a baggage handler or aircraft cleaner. Flight crew and skilled mechanics/avionics personnel would NOT typically be considered "ramp tramps".

"Looks like the Port Authority police busted a bunch of ramp tramps at United (Airlines) for stealing baggage again."

by speedstan February 24, 2010

12πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


An active customer of prostitutes and escorts who shares information with similar customers, typically on some type of online forum.

"Joe has been a hobbyist for years - he has over 100 reviews under his handle on XXX site."

by speedstan February 24, 2010

144πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

ghetto logic

The reasoning process (or lack of it) that causes ghetto folk to screw up their lives, due to their general ignorance and poor or non-existent judgment skills. Ghetto logic usually manifests itself in a series of successively worse decisions that often turn small problems into progressively larger ones, often to the point where solving the problem is beyond the control of anyone. Ghetto person then blames society/police/white folks/whatever for problems.

Ghetto Logic Example #1: Unmarried girl gets pregnant by accident, babydaddy runs off. Girl tries to catch a man to take care of her and her baby by getting pregnant again. Repeat process...

Example #2: Ghetto driver gets traffic ticket, but does not pay it or show up for court. Small fine becomes bigger fine, and arrest warrant is issued for Failure To Appear. Fine is not paid, driver keeps on driving, practicing same behavior that got him/her ticket in the first place. Police try to pull over driver again. Driver fails to yield, leads police on 100 MPH police chase, hits and kills innocent person. $50 infraction becomes no-bail felony manslaughter charge.

by speedstan February 23, 2010

40πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Nickname for the US Air Force B-52 strategic bomber, referred to as a "Big Ugly Fat Fellow" or "Big Ugly Fat Fucker". Considered a term of endearment when used by aviation types.

The NVA types in Hanoi were a bunch of cocky bastards until Linebacker II (major Vietnam War bomber campaign in December 1972). The sight of all those BUFFs rattling their windows on a daily basis was enough to tighten their sphincters good.

by speedstan May 20, 2008

6πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

attitude adjuster

A large, heavy, prominent object that can be used as a weapon for self-defense purposes under circumstances where conventional weapons are prohibited or impractical. An "attitude adjuster" is considered to have served its intended purpose if the mere display of the object is enough to keep potential antagonists at bay. Term is of 1970's-1980's vintage and commonly used by military, law enforcement, and railroaders in urban areas.

"I always keep a three-cell Mag-Lite under the seat when I drive downtown after dark. It's a good attitude adjuster to keep the locals from harassing me..."

by speedstan February 23, 2010

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


noun: derisive term for a recruit, trainee, or new member to an organization who is untrained and not yet educated/adjusted to the organizations working practices or culture, one who continually embarrasses him/herself and others with ignorant and inappropriate behavior. Term is military in origin, short for "slick-sleeves" referring to an E-1 or lowest rank in the military (Airman Basic in USAF, Private in Army or Marine Corps), as these individuals have no stripes on their uniforms, hence "slick sleeves". Term is liberally used in basic training during the first week when a D.I. (drill instructor) has yet to learn the name of all recruits in his platoon/squadron.

(Drill Instructor): "Forward, March!"
(Drill Instructor): "NO, Slick, start on your OTHER left foot!"

by speedstan February 24, 2010

74πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž