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The Scorsese Effect

Named after filmmaker Martin Scorsese, the "Scorsese Effect" is when a work of art is created to negatively portray a character or group of people, but unintentionally inspires fans to try and imitate them. Usually these people misunderstand the point of the film and think the message was to try and be like the protagonist. Many of Scorsese's movies are centered around characters like these, such as "The Wolf of Wall Street," "Taxi Driver," and "Goodfellas".

Other examples include "Fight Club," "Breaking Bad," "The Sopranos," and the Joker.

Guy 1: Doesn't Mark understand the point of Fight Club was to show what can happen when men try to compartmentalize their anger and aggression into physical violence?

Guy 2: Yeah, it's the Scorsese Effect at work.

Mark: We live in a society.

by sportello77 October 6, 2018

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